
ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2010: Men’s Lifestyle

ABC Consumer Jan-Jun 2010: Men’s Lifestyle

Men's Magazines

It is a tale of two business models in the Men’s Lifestyle sector, with free titles taking up the top two positions once again, while paid-for titles struggle to keep the pace.

Shortlist remains in poll position after a small year on year increase, while fellow freebie Sport has held on to second place, despite posting an identical figure to this time last year.

NatMag’s Esquire was one of the few paid-for titles to put in a good performance, up by more than 10% on last year.  Bristol Magazine’s BBC Focus also had a relatively good period.

However, many of the leading titles put in weak performances, which is reflected in the overall market result – down 3.7% on last year.

FHM, Nuts, Zoo and Loaded all posted significant declines between 18 and 27%.  Men’s Health also saw a small drop but has managed to retain its position as the most popular paid-for Men’s Lifestyle magazine.

In response to Nuts‘ results, Inspire managing director Paul Williams said: “Of course, with almost one million 16 to 24-year-olds currently unemployed, the circulation environment continues to be tough. But our continual investment in brand development – in print and digitally – means that we continue to reach more than 1.2 million young men every week through the Nuts brand.”

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*Published Weekly
**Published Bi-Monthly

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