
ABC Consumer Jan-June 2013: News & Current Affairs

ABC Consumer Jan-June 2013: News & Current Affairs



Private Eye remained at the top of the Domestic sector between January and June this year, securing almost 223,000 copies, despite experiencing both slight year on year (YoY) and period on period (PoP) declines.

At the bottom of the chart was Prospect, which saw the biggest PoP boost, up 5.1%, however it was The Oldie that recorded the largest year on year increase, up 6.6%.

Second and third place runners, The Week and BBC History Magazine, both saw yearly and period lifts, with the sector recording an overall 660,177 copies for the year – up 10.6% YoY and 0.8% PoP.

News & Current Affairs – Domestic: Jan-Jun 2013 Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 12 Jan-Jun 13 Actual Change YoY % Ch Jul-Dec 12 PoP % Ch
Total: 596,995 660,177 10,541 10.6 655,077 0.8
Private Eye Pressdram Ltd 226,046 222,880 -3,166 -1.4 224,796 -0.9
The Week Dennis Publishing Limited 191,401 197,255 5,854 3.1 194,121 1.6
BBC History Magazine Immediate Media Company 71,403 75,193 3,790 5.3 73,578 2.2
The Spectator Group Spectator (1828) Ltd 63,612 62,027 -1,585 -2.5 53,263 -2.5
The Oldie Oldie Publications 42,314 45,118 2,804 6.6 44,026 2.5
Limerick Post Carnbeg Ltd 36,216 36,392 176 0.5 36,084 0.9
Prospect Prospect Publishing Ltd 29,615 30,698 1,083 3.7 29,209 5.1
Source: ABC

ABC Jan-Jun 13 Current Affairs Domestic

Business and Finance

The Business and Finance sector celebrated an even greater YoY lift this time round, up 11.7% (785,758 copies).

MoneyWeek saw the biggest PoP boost, up 12.1%, with Investors Chronicle and Shares also experiencing January – June gains (4% and 0.8%, respectively).

The Economist – Continental Europe Edition and United Kingdom Edition maintained the top two spots, despite both seeing slight YoY and PoP declines.

News & Current Affairs – Business & Finance: Jan-Jun 2013 Comparisons
Title Publisher Jan-Jun 12 Jan-Jun 13 Actual Change YoY % Ch Jul-Dec 12 PoP % Ch
Total 703,680 785,758 -5,386 11.7 787,017 -0.2
The Economist – Continental Europe Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 235,058 229,841 -5,217 -2.2 234,827 -2.1
The Economist – United Kingdom Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 210,386 209,274 -1,112 -0.5 210,386 -0.5
The Economist – Asia Pacific Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 143,328 141,661 -1,667 -1.2 142,143 -0.3
China Daily European Weekly China Daily UK Co. Ltd n/a 87,464 n/a n/a 88,469 -1.1
MoneyWeek MoneyWeek Ltd 49,269 52,027 2,758 5.6 46,399 12.1
Investors Chronicle FT Business 25,731 26,938 1,207 4.7 25,906 4.0
The Economist – Middle East/Africa Edition The Economist Newspaper Ltd 25,047 23,208 -1,839 -7.3 23,664 -1.9
Shares MSM Magazines Ltd 14,861 15,345 484 3.3 15,223 0.8
Source: ABC

ABC Jan-Jun 13 Current Affairs Business

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