
ABC Consumer Jul-Dec 2012: TV Listings

ABC Consumer Jul-Dec 2012: TV Listings


Overall TV Listings magazines were down -4.5% year on year (YoY).

Though down both PoP -3.7% and YoY -5.7%, H Bauer Publishing’s magazine TV Choice remained in poll position.

What’s on TV kept its place in second position with a marginal 0.5% PoP increase in sales. The Radio Times followed in third, up 3.2% PoP.

RTE Guide had a difficult YoY period, suffering a -16.8% loss of sales. All About Soap were next to take the biggest YoY hit, -15.0%, followed by IPC Media Ltd’s Soaplife down -10.3% as well as taking the largest hit PoP with a -13.1% decrease in copies sold.

At the bottom of the table, TV Now! was the only magazine that experienced an increase in sales YoY albeit very small, up 0.1%.

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ABC Jul-Dec 2012 TV Listings

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