
ABC Electronic To Foster Web Spend With Free Briefings

ABC Electronic To Foster Web Spend With Free Briefings

ABC Electronic is attempting to boost growth in internet advertising in Scotland by offering free briefing sessions in Glasgow and Edinburgh later this month.

The briefings, beginning on 9 September, follow earlier events held in January which proved popular amongst planners and buyers. Featuring speakers from some of Scotland’s online media buying companies, delegates will be invited to discuss the importance of accountability for electronic media, and how measurement can improve publishers’ online strategies.

ABC Electronic states the relatively immature internet market has seen a massive increase in spend, to the point where it has overtaken that of cinema and is fast approaching comparable levels to radio. The measurement body explains that, with growth showing no signs of slowing, the industry needs to mirror the best elements from other media.

According to ABCE, the increasing demand for independently verified statistics on website usage should be of paramount concern to planners and buyers, with certified page impressions and ad statistics now an integral part of the media planning and buying decision process.

ABCE aims to inform delegates on the multitude of analytical solutions that can be applied to web measurement data, as measurement and analysis is the key basis for investment decisions. The seminars will also examine the next generation of industry initiatives being put into place to deal with measurement discrepancies.

ABCE recently signed an agreement with BSkyB to allow the broadcaster’s websites to be audited on a monthly basis. The deal marks a huge step forward for the measurement body, which supporters of industry agreed standards for reports in web traffic will welcome (see ABC Electronic Bags BSkyB For Web Traffic Audits).

Earlier this year ABCE published research showing that media agencies are increasingly looking to the industry standards in place for measuring electronic media to justify their online buying decisions. The study found that 90% of media buyers want independent third party verification of a website’s traffic claims when planning their online media spend (see Media Buyers Support Increasing Online Accountability).

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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