
ABC Jul – Dec 2001 Celebrity and TV Listings Magazines

ABC Jul – Dec 2001 Celebrity and TV Listings Magazines

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 14 February 2002. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see Important Notes: ABC Jul-Dec 2001.

Our taste for celebrity gossip is still significant, it seems, as Celebrity/Gossip titles as a group saw a year on year increase of 6.7%. The charge was inevitably led by Heat, which proved the toast of the ABC results once again, producing a 106.2% increase in circulation year on year, or over 50% period on period, its total now 355,304.

However, the fame factor has not produced results for everyone, and, having jumped on the bandwagon last year in both content and title (see Emap Moves Looks Into Celebrity Territory), Emap’s Celebrity Looks suffered a 14% decline in circulation year on year.

The period also saw a shake-up between the traditional cornerstones of the Celebrity market, OK! and Hello!. Whereas a year ago Northern & Shell’s OK! had managed to overtake its more established rival, this time a 16.9% year on year decrease brought circulation down to 486,858, while Hello! moved comfortably ahead, its 4.8% increase taking it to 526,947.

Celebrity/Gossip Magazine Circulations
Title Publishing Company Jul 00 – Dec 00 Jul 01 – Dec 01 % Change
All About Soap Attic Futura 111,099 111,511 0.4
Celebrity Looks (see also Women’s Monthlies) Emap 132,032 113,564 -14.0
Heat ( see also TV Listings) Emap 172,311 355,304 106.2
Hello! Hello Ltd 502,679 526,947 4.8
Inside Soap Attic Futura 241,328 245,935 1.9
Now (see also Women’s Weeklies) IPC 475,571 552,744 16.2
OK! Northern & Shell 586,176 486,858 -16.9
Soaplife IPC tx 131,100 118,198 -9.8

The Heat effect can also be witnessed in the the overall total for the TV Listings sector, up 14.6% year on year. However, within that total, fortunes were definitely mixed. Both H Bauer and IPC saw a title each take a significant tumble- for H Bauer, TV Quick slipped 12.6% and for IPC TV Times fell 9%. However, both companies also had a title each enjoy a reasonable increase- H Bauer’s TV Choice rose 7% while IPC’s TV And Satellite Week rose 11.6%.

TV Listings Magazine Circulations
Title PublishingCo Jul – Dec 00 Jul – Dec 01 % Ch
Heat (See also Celebrity Magazines) Emap Metro 172,311 355,304 106.2
Radio Times BBC Worldwide Ltd 1,264,315 1,200,615 -5.0
Sky Customer Magazine Redwood Publishing 3,873,637 5,183,964 33.8
Time Out Time Out Magazine Ltd 90,795 84,486 -6.9
TV & Satellite Week IPC tx Ltd 221,018 246,733 11.6
TV Choice H Bauer Publishing 732,259 783,240 7.0
TV Now! (R) Minjara Ltd n/a 34,011 n/a
TV Quick H Bauer Publishing 553,148 483,349 -12.6
TV Times IPC tx Ltd 689,137 627,095 -9.0
Whats On TV IPC tx Ltd 1,701,064 1,652,138 -2.9
Total   9,297,684 10,650,935 14.6

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