
ABC Jul – Dec 2001 Women’s Weekly Titles

ABC Jul – Dec 2001 Women’s Weekly Titles

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 14 February 2002. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database. For full notes on how NewsLine’s reports are compiled please see Important Notes: ABC Jul-Dec 2001

The latest set of ABC Consumer Magazine figures brought mixed news for the Women’s Weekly market. Circulation as a whole was down 2.2%, but at more than 6 million this remains the biggest sector by circulation of the consumer market.

The best performance was seen at IPC’s Now, which appears to have made a successful combination of the lifestyle content familiar in the Women’s Weekly market with the magic ingredient in today’s market- celebrity news. The result: a 16.2% year on year increase in Now’s circulation, its total of 552,744 placing it comfortably in the top four titles in the sector, ahead of IPC stablemate Woman’s Own and closing on H Bauer’s That’s Life!.

IPC and H Bauer continue to be the dominant forces in this market and the latter’s Take a Break retained a considerable lead on the rest of the Women’s Weekly titles- it remains some 500,000 ahead of its nearest rival- despite registering a year on year increase of less than 1%. However, another H Bauer title, Bella, continued its worrying downward pattern this period, slumping 12% year on year as the worst performer in the market.

Women’s Weekly Magazines Circulations
Title Publishing Company Jul 00 – Dec 00 Jul 01 – Dec 01 Actual Change % Change
Bella H Bauer Publishing 532,668 468,937 -63,731 -12.0
Best National Magazine Company 431,352 430,433 -919 -0.2
Chat IPC 469,769 478,230 8,461 1.8
Lady Lady 40,815 41,242 427 1.0
My Weekly DC Thomson & Co 318,294 305,407 -12,887 -4.0
Now (See also Celebrity Magazines) IPC 475,571 552,744 77,173 16.2
People’s Friend DC Thomson & Co 399,339 397,080 -2,259 -0.6
Take A Break H Bauer Publishing 1,137,952 1,148,634 10,682 0.9
That’s Life! H Bauer Publishing 569,804 584,221 14,417 2.5
Woman IPC 636,528 646,643 10,115 1.6
Woman’s Own IPC 553,701 518,495 -35,206 -6.4
Woman’s Realm (M) IPC 152,053 n/a n/a n/a
Woman’s Weekly IPC 496,162 504,531 8,369 1.7
Total   6,214,008 6,076,597 -137,411 -2.2

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