
ABC London Newspaper Focus: Jul 2009

ABC London Newspaper Focus: Jul 2009


July saw the London Evening Standard‘s circulation fall 4.6% period on period, to around 225,000 copies.

Elsewhere, afternoon freesheets the London Lite and thelondonpaper remained relatively static on around 400,000 and 500,000 copies respectively.

Morning freesheet Metro was also pretty static period on period, at 732,000 copies.

Business freesheet City AM saw its total distribution figure drop by around 15% period on period, to just under 89,000 copies.

Title Audit Jun-09 Jul-09 Actual Change PoP % Change PoP
Morning Papers
City AM BDP 104,097 88,800 -15,297 -14.7
Metro (London) BDP 735,712 732,337 -3,375 -0.5
Evening Papers
Evening Standard (London) ABC 236,075 225,158 -10,917 -4.6
London Lite BDP 400,741 400,347 -394 -0.1
thelondonpaper BDP 497,244 500,348 3,104 0.6

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