
ABC: Mirror website enjoys web traffic boost in June

ABC: Mirror website enjoys web traffic boost in June

Mirror online

The UK’s national newspaper websites suffered a drop in usage in June, with almost all audited sites recording a small drop in both daily and monthly figures.

Mirror Group Digital was the only national newspaper site to report an increase in daily unique browsers from May to June, up up 3.32% to 730,296. Industry sources say this is due to a marketing campaign that boosted traffic to the Mirror’s mobile site.

Mail Online remains the UK’s busiest site with 4,062,059 daily unique browsers, although it posted a 7% fall of just over 300,000, according to the latest ABC figures.

May was a record month for newspaper sites across the board following a bumper news month with the Royal Wedding and the death of Osama Bin Laden, distorting the figures slightly.

In June, Guardian.co.uk recorded 2,613,405 daily unique browsers, down 7.58% on May. Telegraph.co.uk was down 12.2% month on month to 1,921,711 daily unique browsers, while Independent.co.uk fell 7.28% to 625,999.

Of those who reported by geography, Mirror Group Digital’s UK has the highest proportion of UK-based browsers – 57.1% of its total (8.4 million unique browsers). Independent.co.uk UK audience is 42.5% of its average monthly unique browsers (5.7 million); Telegraph.co.uk – 36.1% (13.1 million browsers); and Mail Online – 34.4% (23.1 million).

Guardian.co.uk has not published a monthly figure for June, but its daily browser figure shows that 45.2% of its audience (1.2 million people) are based in the UK.

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