
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – April 2002

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – April 2002

The latest ABC figures for National Newspapers show that if the many Queen Mother commemorative issues at the start of the month had any effect on circulation, it was minimal. Overall circulation for national titles was up just 0.6% compared with the previous month.

The best performers in this analysis were titles seen as failing in the not-too-distant past. In percentage terms the biggest rise period on period was at the Business, which added 9.8% to its circulation compared to the previous month. The Sunday Express saw a 7.6% rise over the same period, and also saw the biggest growth in numbers terms, adding 63,336. However, this must be tempered by the news that rival the Mail on Sunday also saw an increase of over 60,000.

The worst performer in percentage terms was the Racing Post, whose circulation dropped 4.9% month on month to a little over 86,000. Tabloid market leader the News of the World saw its close-to-4 million strong readership shrink rather period on period, by some 48,425, the biggest loss in actual numbers.

National Newspaper April 2002 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Mar 2002 Apr 2002 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 81,405 89,421 8,016 9.8
Daily Express 882,175 907,772 25,597 2.9
Daily Mail 2,385,748 2,446,197 60,449 2.5
Daily Mirror 2,116,281 2,108,530 -7,751 -0.4
Daily Record 573,227 567,368 -5,859 -1.0
Daily Star 650,093 667,899 17,806 2.7
Daily Telegraph 1,002,225 1,006,380 4,155 0.4
Financial Times 501,594 494,074 -7,520 -1.5
Guardian 397,206 404,630 7,424 1.9
Independent 226,101 226,584 483 0.2
Independent On Sunday 233,536 232,433 -1,103 -0.5
Mail On Sunday 2,349,453 2,422,494 73,041 3.1
News Of The World 3,970,900 3,922,475 -48,425 -1.2
Observer 448,201 460,084 11,883 2.7
Racing Post 90,541 86,146 -4,395 -4.9
Sport First (Sunday) 66,122 64,288 -1,834 -2.8
Sun 3,379,716 3,351,648 -28,068 -0.8
Sunday Express 838,510 901,846 63,336 7.6
Sunday Mirror 1,792,564 1,761,985 -30,579 -1.7
Sunday People 1,348,709 1,340,046 -8,663 -0.6
Sunday Sport 189,879 195,810 5,931 3.1
Sunday Telegraph 786,736 779,141 -7,595 -1.0
Sunday Times 1,396,992 1,425,884 28,892 2.1
Times 704,116 717,281 13,165 1.9
Total 26,412,030 26,580,416 160,370 0.6

Quality Market

Year on year, the quality market, like many of the titles within it, remained stable overall during the period November 2001 to April 2002, with an overall circulation of 5.7 million.

The best performer was the still relatively small Business, which is still feeling the good effects of its New Year relaunch, in the form of a 35.3% year on year increase in circulation to just under 75,000.

The news was a lot less positive for another smaller player in the broadsheet field, as the Independent on Sunday saw a 7.5% drop in circulation to 231,557, which also represented the biggest fall in numbers terms.

Quality Market Nov 01 – Apr 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 00 – Apr 01 Nov 01 – Apr 02 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 55,176 74,659 19,483 35.3
Daily Telegraph 1,017,046 1,006,561 -10,485 -1.0
Financial Times 485,812 491,580 5,768 1.2
Guardian 398,510 403,009 4,499 1.1
Independent 227,223 226,258 -965 -0.4
Independent On Sunday 250,326 231,557 -18,769 -7.5
Observer 443,146 455,410 12,264 2.8
Sunday Telegraph 806,345 788,453 -17,892 -2.2
Sunday Times 1,388,074 1,403,201 15,127 1.1
Times 719,430 711,628 -7,802 -1.1
Total 5,791,088 5,792,316 1,228 0.0

Mid Market

Once again there remains a similar story in the mid market. As a whole the market slipped 1.8% in circulation year on year, but the losses were confined to the Express titles.

The Daily Express dropped 6% year on year, so that its circulation for the period was at 927,000, while the Sunday Express saw a 9.7% year on year fall to 842,000. Both the Mail titles continue to outstrip their mid-market rivals by some difference, and saw modest year on year increases in circulation for the period.

Mid Market Nov 01 – Apr 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 00 – Apr 01 Nov 01 – Apr 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 986,970 927,785 -59,185 -6.0
Daily Mail 2,404,243 2,425,906 21,663 0.9
Mail On Sunday 2,351,040 2,358,819 7,779 0.3
Sunday Express 932,167 842,033 -90,134 -9.7
Total 6,674,420 6,554,543 -119,877 -1.8

Popular Market

The popular market was the worst performing sector in a year on year analysis of the November to April period, losing 2.3% of its circulation overall.

The worst performance in percentage terms was seen at Sport First, which lost 11.9% of its circulation, while the biggest drop in numbers terms was at daily market leader the Sun which dropped over 120,000 and which is just embarking on a price war with the Mirror. The Sunday People also saw a heavy reduction in readership, of more than 100,000.

The best performer in this sector was the Daily Star, which continues to strengthen its position. It registered a 13% increase in circulation year on year, up 72,000 to 628,000.

Popular Market Nov 01 – Apr 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 00 – Apr 01 Nov 01 – Apr 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,176,272 2,116,710 -59,562 -2.7
Daily Record 601,488 577,321 -24,167 -4.0
Daily Star 556,381 628,823 72,442 13.0
News Of The World 3,977,974 3,951,686 -26,288 -0.7
Racing Post 72,184 80,047 7,863 10.9
Sport First 81,065 71,401 -9,664 -11.9
Sun 3,508,754 3,388,703 -120,051 -3.4
Sunday Mirror 1,841,931 1,776,965 -64,966 -3.5
Sunday People 1,443,912 1,343,274 -100,638 -7.0
Sunday Sport 194,908 193,668 -1,240 -0.6
Total 14,454,869 14,128,598 -326,271 -2.3

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