
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up April 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up April 2004

The Independent saw circulation inch-up by a further 0.9% during April to just over the 260,000 mark as the paper’s commuter-friendly compact edition continued to prove a hit with readers.

The latest ABC results for April will provide a welcome boost to the Independent, which has today gone completely tabloid, in a move that will consign the broadsheet edition of the paper to the scrap-heap after more than twenty years of publication.

The decision has been praised by media agencies, which have pointed out that the number of people buying the traditional broadsheet version was now so small that it no longer made business sense to continue to publish the title in two formats (see Media Planners Welcome Independent’s Tabloid Move).

There was also good news for broadsheet rival, the Guardian, which saw its circulation rise by a solid 1.4% during the same period to 381,421. The title is thought to be considering launching a midsize edition somewhere between a compact and a broadsheet in an attempt to further boost sales (see ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – March 2004).

Things were less positive for the Times, which saw circulation decline by 0.6% to 654,762. The title’s recently launched compact edition appears to be proving less of a hit with its older, more conservative readership.

The Daily Telegraph saw circulation hold firm at 923,449 as it pondered its own tabloid launch. However, the Business suffered a significant 37.1% decline as its distribution deal with the Mail on Sunday finally came to an end (see Associated Ends Distribution Deal With The Business).

There was little cheer in the tabloid market with the Daily Mirror seeing circulation dip by 0.9% just weeks after raising its coverprice to 35p. This weekend it emerged that Piers Morgan is demanding £1 million compensation from the paper after he was sacked for publishing hoax pictures allegedly showing British troops abusing Iraqi prisoners (see Sacked Daily Mirror Editor Could Demand Compensation).

Richard Desmond’s Daily Star saw circulation dip by 0.2% to 902,026 and News International’s Sun also failed to shine with a meagre 0.4% increase during the same period to 3,345,828.

Meanwhile in the mid-market, the Daily Express suffered a slight 0.1% decline to 940,849 and Lord Rothermere’s Daily Mail continued to gain ground with a slight 0.4% increase in circulation to just over the 2.4 million mark.

National Newspaper April 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Mar 2004 Apr 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 282,110 177,329 -104,781 -37.1
Daily Express 942,171 940,849 -1,322 -0.1
Daily Mail 2,398,093 2,407,392 9,299 0.4
Daily Mirror 1,905,528 1,888,145 -17,383 -0.9
Daily Record 491,375 498,846 7,471 1.5
Daily Star 903,702 902,026 -1,676 -0.2
Daily Star Sunday 494,272 521,995 27,723 5.6
Daily Telegraph 923,042 923,449 407 0.0
Financial Times 448,791 443,685 -5,106 -1.1
Guardian 376,287 381,421 5,134 1.4
Independent 258,012 260,259 2,247 0.9
Independent On Sunday 209,236 212,280 3,044 1.5
Mail On Sunday 2,381,626 2,394,503 12,877 0.5
News Of The World 3,833,887 3,829,738 -4,149 -0.1
Observer 452,257 450,119 -2,138 -0.5
People 1,015,595 1,033,692 18,097 1.8
Racing Post 92,488 85,443 -7,045 -7.6
Sport First (Sunday) 28,941 31,033 2,092 7.2
Sun 3,333,215 3,345,828 12,613 0.4
Sunday Express 952,171 932,515 -19,656 -2.1
Sunday Mirror 1,584,799 1,562,426 -22,373 -1.4
Sunday Sport 160,799 157,787 -3,012 -1.9
Sunday Telegraph 697,771 707,443 9,672 1.4
Sunday Times 1,395,900 1,391,729 -4,171 -0.3
Times 658,637 654,762 -3,875 -0.6
Total 26,220,705 26,134,694 -82,136 -0.3

Quality Titles

Things are even more positive for the Independent in year on years analysis, with the title seeing circulation rise by an impressive 12.6% in the six months to April. Things were pretty bleak for the rest of the broadsheets, which suffered some heavy losses. The Independent on Sunday dipped by 4.9% and the Sunday Telegraph suffered a 5.5% decline during the same period.

Quality Market Nov 03 – Apr 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Nov 02 – Apr 03 Nov 03 – Apr 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 94,079 265,305 171,226 182.0
Daily Telegraph 939,550 916,205 -23,345 -2.5
Financial Times 460,295 439,488 -20,807 -4.5
Guardian 404,922 378,703 -26,219 -6.5
Independent 222,352 250,361 28,009 12.6
Independent On Sunday 220,219 209,407 -10,812 -4.9
Observer 464,239 457,201 -7,038 -1.5
Sunday Telegraph 742,899 701,959 -40,940 -5.5
Sunday Times 1,397,523 1,375,570 -21,953 -1.6
Times 667,658 648,097 -19,561 -2.9
Total 5,613,736 5,642,296 28,560 -2.5

Mid-Market Titles

Things were also less than rosy in the mid-market with Desmond’s Daily Express declining by 1.7% year on year in the six months to April and the Sunday Express dipping by 1.4%. The Daily Mail and its Sunday sibling also saw circulation decline.

Mid Market Nov 03 – Apr 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Noc 02 – Apr 03 Nov 03 – Apr 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 958,987 942,350 -16,637 -1.7
Daily Mail 2,436,816 2,430,281 -6,535 -0.3
Mail On Sunday 2,375,586 2,371,700 -3,886 -0.2
Sunday Express 949,102 936,017 -13,085 -1.4
Total 6,720,491 6,680,348 -40,143 -0.6

Popular Titles

The Daily Star was the only popular title to see circulation increase in the six months to April. The rest of the tabloids performed poorly despite some high-profile coverage of the ongoing events in Iraq. The Daily Mirror dipped by 6.5% year on year and the Sun was seen down by 4.6%. News of the World suffered a slight 1% decline during the same period, but this was overshadowed by a hefty 19.8% loss for Sport First.

Popular Market Nov 03 – Apr 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Nov 03 – Apr 04 Nov 03 – Apr 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,035,228 1,902,841 -132,387 -6.5
Daily Record 520,245 494,390 -25,855 -5.0
Daily Star 822,525 883,889 61,364 7.5
Daily Star Sunday 469,032 512,276 n/a n/a
News Of The World 3,897,179 3,858,659 -38,520 -1.0
People 1,136,110 1,037,224 -98,886 -8.7
Racing Post 81,479 80,222 -1,257 -1.5
Sport First 33,724 27,032 -6,692 -19.8
Sun 3,519,220 3,357,319 -161,901 -4.6
Sunday Mirror 1,652,512 1,598,790 -53,722 -3.3
Sunday Sport 181,290 168,299 -12,991 -7.2
Total 14,348,544 13,920,941 -427,603 -3.0

Metro Titles

Associated Newspapers’ Metro titles continued to perform strongly with their overall certified distribution rising by 2.3% year on year during April to just below the 900,000 mark. However, the London edition could be hit by new competition in the form of Richard Desmond’s planned evening free-sheet (see Desmond Reaffirms Plans To Launch London Free-Sheet).

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Apr 03 – Apr 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Apr-03 Apr-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 443,300 457,821 14,521 3.3
Metro (Metro North East) 52,579 53,933 1,354 2.6
Metro (MetroMidlands) 82,828 84,729 1,901 2.3
Metro (MetroScot) 117,270 118,241 971 0.8
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,753 75,733 -980 1.3
Metro (NorthWest) 108,845 108,946 101 0.1
Total Metro 879,575 899,403 19,828 2.3
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthy data are currently unavailable

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