
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2009

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2009

UK Daily National Newspapers

Daily Newspaper Market

The overall daily newspaper market dipped by 0.4% in August, with all of the titles bar two suffering period on period declines.

The Daily Record and The Sun were the only titles to buck the downward trend, enjoying a period on period increases of 1.2% and 0.2% respectively.

Daily Titles Aug-08 Jul-09 Aug-09 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 860,298 818,937 814,087 -46,211 -5.4 -4,850 -0.6
Financial Times 417,570 397,600 395,845 -21,725 -5.2 -1,755 -0.4
Guardian 332,587 328,773 311,387 -21,200 -6.4 -17,386 -5.3
Independent 230,033 189,013 187,837 -42,196 -18.3 -1,176 -0.6
Times 612,779 580,483 576,185 -36,594 -6.0 -4,298 -0.7
Mid Market
Daily Express 748,664 734,045 730,234 -18,430 -2.5 -3,811 -0.5
Daily Mail 2,258,843 2,178,640 2,171,686 -87,157 -3.9 -6,954 -0.3
Daily Mirror 1,455,270 1,340,028 1,324,883 -130,387 -9.0 -15,145 -1.1
Daily Record 390,197 343,165 347,302 -42,895 -11.0 4,137 1.2
Daily Star 751,494 887,106 886,814 135,320 18.0 -292 -0.0
Sun 3,148,792 3,121,407 3,128,501 -20,291 -0.6 7,094 0.2
Source: ABC

Quality Daily Titles

The Daily Telegraph remains the highest selling quality newspaper in our analysis, despite seeing its circulation fall by 0.6% period on period to 814,000 copies.

The Independent also dipped by 0.6% period on period, as well as losing a hefty 18.3% year on year, leaving it with a total below 188,000 copies

The Financial Times and The Times also reported losses of 0.4% and 0.7% respectively.

The FT now has a total circulation of nearly 396,000 copies, while the Times’ total sits just above 576,000 copies.

In terms of percentage loss, the Guardian suffered the highest decline of 5.3% period on period – a real term loss of more than 17,000 copies – leaving its total at around 311,000.


Mid-Market Daily Titles

The Daily Express dipped by 0.5% period on period to just over 730,000 copies, while its fellow mid-market title the Daily Mail was down 0.3%.

Despite its slight loss, the Mail retains a healthy circulation of more than 2.17 million copies.


Popular Daily Titles

In contrast to all of the other national newspapers, the Daily Record and The Sun had a good month, recording period on period increases of 1.2% and 0.2% respectively.

The Daily Record‘s circulation now sits above 347,000 copies, while The Sun‘s total remains at more than 3.1 million copies.

However, the Daily Mirror lost over 15,000 readers in August – down by 1.1% period on period – to 1.32 million copies.

The Daily Star, meanwhile, enjoyed an impressive 18% year on year increase despite remaining almost static in August, losing just 292 copies period on period.  Its total circulation rests just below 887,000 copies.


Sunday Newspaper Market

The overall Sunday newspaper sector also suffered a period on period decline in circulation – of 1.0%.

Three titles in the Sunday market – the Independent on Sunday, the Sunday Express and the News of the World – managed to record slight increases over the period.

Most titles, however, lost sales during August.

Sunday Titles Aug-08 Jul-09 Aug-09 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 196,752 160,395 160,809 -35,943 -18.3 414 0.3
Observer 411,244 398,330 361,761 -49,483 -12.0 -36,569 -9.2
Sunday Times 1,156,540 1,190,936 1,164,831 8,291 0.7 -26,105 -2.2
Sunday Telegraph 618,772 602,495 599,131 -19,641 -3.2 -3,364 -0.6
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday. 2,177,527 2,040,939 2,013,742 -163,785 -7.5 -27,197 -1.3
Sunday Express 655,053 645,342 646,861 -8,192 -1.3 1,519 0.2
Daily Star Sunday. 403,753 414,533 401,305 -2,448 -0.6 -13,228 -3.2
News Of The World 3,249,147 3,104,205 3,120,991 -128,156 -3.9 16,786 0.5
People 649,420 594,759 586,414 -63,006 -9.7 -8,345 -1.4
Sunday Mirror 1,311,386 1,248,613 1,237,227 -74,159 -5.7 -11,386 -0.9
Source: ABC

Quality Sunday Titles

All of the titles in the quality sector were down period on period with the exception of the Independent on Sunday, which managed to increase its circulation by 0.3% to nearly 161,000 copies.

The Observer suffered the largest loss across the Sunday market, losing just under 37,000 copies, or 9.2% of its total period on period.

The Sunday Times remained the comfortable market leader within the quality sector, despite a 2.2% circulation fall, at 1.1 million copies. The paper was the only Sunday paper to have a year on year increase, at 0.7%.


Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the mid-market, the Mail on Sunday was down by 1.3% period on period to just over 2 million copies, while the Sunday Express had a slight increase of 0.2% to nearly 647,000 copies.


Popular Sunday Titles

Within the popular sector, the Daily Star Sunday lost 3.2% of its circulation in August period on period, remaining just above the 400,000 copies level.

Both The People and the Sunday Mirror were also down period on period, by 1.4% and 0.9% respectively.

The titles now have a circulation of 586,000 for The People and 1.2 million for the Sunday Mirror.


National Newspaper ABC Figures – Mar 2009 – Aug 2009
Daily Titles Mar 08 – Aug 08 Feb 09 -Jul 09 Mar 09 – Aug 09 Actual Change % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 865,620 799,084 807,328 -58,292 -6.7 8,244 1.0
Financial Times 440,614 414,924 411,098 -29,516 -6.7 -3,826 -0.9
Guardian 347,047 337,173 332,790 -14,257 -4.1 -4,383 -1.3
Independent 238,412 201,150 198,445 -39,967 -16.8 -2,705 -1.3
Times 617,038 593,269 588,471 -28,567 -4.6 -4,798 -0.8
Mid Market
Daily Express 737,585 725,552 727,824 -9,761 -1.3 2,272 0.3
Daily Mail 2,279,927 2,179,497 2,178,462 -101,465 -4.5 -1,035 -0.0
Daily Mirror 1,469,807 1,331,372 1,331,108 -138,699 -9.4 -264 -0.0
Daily Record 391,795 350,583 350,306 -41,489 -10.6 -277 -0.1
Daily Star 733,371 839,398 855,511 122,140 16.7 16,113 1.9
Sun 3,122,786 3,026,017 3,052,480 -70,306 -2.3 26,463 0.9
Source: ABC
Sunday Titles Mar 08 – Aug 08 Feb 09 -Jul 09 Mar 09 – Aug 09 Actual Change % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 209,146 166,772 163,898 -45,248 -21.6 -2,874 -1.7
Observer 440,697 415,566 405,017 -35,680 -8.1 -10,549 -2.5
Sunday Times 1,175,472 1,211,853 1,204,249 28,777 2.4 -7,604 -0.6
Sunday Telegraph 628,255 595,435 598,898 -29,357 -4.7 3,463 0.6
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday. 2,221,150 2,056,504 2,039,449 -181,701 -8.2 -17,055 -0.8
Sunday Express 667,716 638,610 640,242 -27,474 -4.1 1,632 0.3
Daily Star Sunday. 376,946 375,606 381,938 4,992 1.3 6,332 1.7
News Of The World 3,191,259 3,010,715 3,026,264 -164,995 -5.2 15,549 0.5
People 648,461 585,384 585,521 -62,940 -9.7 137 0.0
Sunday Mirror 1,330,787 1,232,359 1,234,077 -96,710 -7.3 1,718 0.1
Source: ABC

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