
ABC national newspaper round-up: August 2013

ABC national newspaper round-up: August 2013

The latest ABC results for August 2013 show a continuing decline for print, with few titles seeing any period or yearly growth at all.

Daily titles

In the quality market, no title saw any growth from July, with the biggest percentage loss belonging to the Independent at -4.9% period on period (PoP), followed by the Financial Times, down -3.5%. The results reveal that the FT’s circulation has dropped by almost 44,000 year on year (YoY).

However, it was the ‘i’ that lost out the most in terms of numbers, dropping by almost 10,000 copies across the month.

Despite the loss, the sister title of the Independent was the only paper to see any yearly growth, up 4.8% and increasing its circulation by 13,600.

The mid market saw the Daily Mail boost its circulation by over 20,000 PoP, while the Daily Express suffered a small loss of almost 2,500.

In the popular market, slight circulation increases were celebrated by each title except for the Sun, which recorded a -1% decrease (22,942 copies).

Overall the daily titles were down 0.3% PoP (26,857) and -7.2% YoY (631,944).

London Free Press

The summer holiday period seems to have quietened things down for the London Free Press, with all titles down in circulation.

The London Evening Standard claimed the biggest loss, down -2.1% and 15,000 PoP, while Metro (London) lost 14,000 and City A.M 1,300.

Overall, the London Free Press was down -1.9% PoP in August, and -2.1% YoY.

Sunday titles

The Sunday market fared slightly better than the others in August, with half of the titles seeing slight increases in circulation over the month.

However, in the quality market, the Independent on Sunday was down -3.6% PoP, followed by the Sunday Times, down -2.2% PoP. It was the Sunday Times that lost out the most in the quality titles over the month, dropping in circulation by 18,300.

In the mid-market, Mail on Sunday recorded a 1.1% increase, translating to an additional circulation of 17,439. Despite this, the title has dropped in circulation by almost 136,000 over the year.

The Sunday Post also recorded a 1.1% increase, though at a much lower addition of 2,600 copies.

The Sun (Sunday) was the only title in the popular market to see a decline over the period at just -0.6%, a loss of almost 11,000, while all other titles were up marginally.

The Sunday Mirror recorded the largest growth, netting an extra 18,000 copies, but it was the Sunday Mail that won in terms of percentage increase, up 3.4%.

Overall the market was up 0.2% PoP (17,400) – the only market to see an increase over the period – but down -9.1% YoY (808,000).

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