
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2011

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: December 2011

UK Daily National Newspapers

The daily newspaper market saw circulation figures fall -1.8% PoP and -4.4% YoY in December.

Just one title posted an increase in sales over the month – the Guardian, up 1.6%.

The Sunday market also saw circulation figures fall PoP (down -3.3%). None of the Sunday titles recorded an increase in the Christmas month.

Daily Newspaper Market

National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2011

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Quality Daily Titles

  • The Guardian enjoyed a small 1.6% boost in December (3,600 copies)
  • i remained static PoP
  • The Independent suffered the biggest percentage drop over the month – down -6.5% PoP
  • The Financial Times has seen the highest actual loss over the year, down by more than 56,300 copies


Mid-Market Daily Titles

  • The Daily Express is down -1.1%; while the Daily Mail is down -0.3% on last month


Popular Daily Titles

  • The Daily Star posted the biggest percentage decline in the month – down -4.2 (almost 27,000 copies)
  • The Sun saw a -3.6% drop in December (over 93,000 copies)
  • The Sun remains the most popular daily with a total circulation of more than 2.5 million copies


Sunday Newspaper Market

National Newspaper ABC Figures – December 2011

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Quality Sunday Titles

  • The Observer remained static during December with no change PoP
  • Over the year, The Sunday Times has recorded the biggest actual loss – down by nearly 73,000 copies (the title also lost over 32,000 sales in December)


  • The Sunday Express was down -4.8% on November but is up over the year (+ 15%)
  • The Mail on Sunday posted a -3.4% PoP drop and a -2.2% YoY decline


Popular Sunday Titles

  • All three Sunday tabloids recorded PoP decreases but YoY rises
  • The Daily Star Sunday was down -3.8% in December but up 90.1% YoY
  • The People and the Sunday Mirror both enjoyed YoY increases of more than 60%
  • The Sunday Mirror remains the top-selling red-top with a total circulation of 1.7 million


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