
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – February 2005

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – February 2005

The UK’s national newspaper market continued to look bleak in February, with only a handful of titles increasing their circulations year on year, according to the latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

The majority of those titles seeing downward growth were Popular titles, although The Business also shed a significant 18.2% of its circulation year on year to push its total dangerously close to the 200,000 mark.

The Daily Star Sunday suffered the largest downturn of all the tabloids, losing 15.5% of its circulation in the same period to rest at 419,262, while its weekday sister title saw its total drop by 6% year on year to just over 854,000.

The Daily Mirror was also hit hard, seeing circulation slip by 9.5% year on year, pushing the paper’s total further away from the 2 million mark. Arch rival the Sun was also in decline during February, shedding 3.7% but remaining the nation’s largest selling daily with a total of almost 3.3 million.

Circulation dips were not confined entirely to the Popular sector, as the Daily Express recorded a slip of 1.4% year on year to 948,375. The Express‘ dip was February’s only decline amongst the Mid-Market titles, however, with the paper’s sibling Sunday Express managing a 2.9% rise in the same period. The Sunday title now commands a circulation of just over 1 million, its highest figure since August 2004.

Mid-Market and Quality titles led the way in circulation increases during February, with the Sunday Times achieving the largest year on year percentage growth at 4%. The title’s circulation is rapidly approaching 1.5 million, while its weekday sister title, The Times, rose by 3.6% in the same period to stop just short of 680,000.

The Times‘ principal rival, The Independent, also performed well in February, adding 2.8% to its circulation year on year and rising to 263,595. The Independent on Sunday also saw a rise, though marginal, adding 0.4% to climb to 208,563.

The Guardian was one of the few Quality titles to see a dip in circulation, shedding 0.8% year on year to slip to 366,645. However, the title will soon undergo a revamp, reducing its size to the Berliner format in an effort to improve overall circulation (see Guardian Takes Titles Compact With £50 Million Investment).

National Newspaper February 2005 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Feb 2004 Feb 2005 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 284,188 204,005 -80,183 -28.2
Daily Express 961,836 948,375 -13,461 -1.4
Daily Mail 2,408,001 2,426,533 18,532 0.8
Daily Mirror 1,900,250 1,719,743 -180,507 -9.5
Daily Record 494,980 480,877 -14,103 -2.8
Daily Star 909,291 854,480 -54,811 -6.0
Daily Star Sunday. 496,159 419,262 -76,897 -15.5
Daily Telegraph 906,317 907,329 1,012 0.1
Financial Times 439,035 419,386 -19,649 -4.5
Football First (Sunday) 24,557 22,657 -1,900 -7.7
Guardian 369,726 366,645 -3,081 -0.8
Independent 256,378 263,595 7,217 2.8
Independent On Sunday 207,749 208,563 814 0.4
Mail On Sunday. 2,349,921 2,374,856 24,935 1.1
News Of The World 3,949,488 3,649,466 -300,022 -7.6
Observer 451,737 444,509 -7,228 -1.6
People 1,039,105 1,007,140 -31,965 -3.1
Racing Post 73,359 73,227 -132 -0.2
Sun 3,397,472 3,273,116 -124,356 -3.7
Sunday Express 979,089 1,007,095 28,006 2.9
Sunday Mirror 1,652,843 1,534,736 -118,107 -7.1
Sunday Sport 159,027 151,892 -7,135 -4.5
Sunday Telegraph 695,872 686,779 -9,093 -1.3
Sunday Times 1,346,452 1,400,873 54,421 4.0
Times 655,876 679,190 23,314 3.6
Total 26,408,708 25,524,329 -907,693 -3.3

Quality Titles

The Independent and Independent on Sunday both saw circulation increases in the six months to February, with the weekday title adding an impressive 9.3% year on year in the face of declines across numerous rival titles.

The Times also added to its total, climbing by 4.6% to total 669,166 at the title’s compact format appears to be paying off. Elsewhere the Sunday Times failed to ape the success of its weekday counterpart, shedding 0.8% of its circulation in the same period. The title remains the largest circulating of all the Quality titles, however, with total sales of almost 1.4 million.

The Business suffered the largest downturn of all the Quality papers, losing 20% year on year to just under 211,000.

Quality Market Sep 04 – Feb 05 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sep 03 – Feb 04 Sep 04 – Feb 05 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 265,548 210,626 -54,922 -20.7
Daily Telegraph 916,925 908,797 -8,128 -0.9
Financial Times 436,022 428,941 -7,081 -1.6
Guardian 383,890 372,749 -11,141 -2.9
Independent 238,849 261,176 22,327 9.3
Independent On Sunday 209,431 210,430 999 0.5
Observer 464,193 450,567 -13,626 -2.9
Sunday Telegraph 706,678 692,273 -14,405 -2.0
Sunday Times 1,376,250 1,365,299 -10,951 -0.8
Times 639,560 669,166 29,606 4.6
Total 5,637,346 5,570,024 -67,322 -1.2

Mid-Market Titles

Mid-Market Sunday titles continued to outperform their weekday counterparts in the six months to February, with both the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Express notching up circulation increases. While the Mail on Sunday added 1.8% to its total year on year, the Sunday Express boosted its sales by an impressive 4.8% in the same period.

The Daily Express, however, suffered the sector’s largest circulation downturn, slipping by 3%, while the Daily Mail also struggled against negative growth, losing 2.1% in the same period.

Mid Market Sep 04 – Feb 05 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Sep 03 – Feb 04 Sep 04 – Feb 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 957,223 928,378 -28,845 -3.0
Daily Mail 2,455,936 2,404,474 -51,462 -2.1
Mail On Sunday 2,367,384 2,410,772 43,388 1.8
Sunday Express 939,761 982,979 43,218 4.6
Total 6,720,304 6,726,603 6,299 0.1

Popular Titles

The nation’s popular titles saw circulation declines across the board in the six months to February, with the Sunday Sport leading the downward slide with a 12.9% drop in sales. The paper’s total now rests at just under 155,000. Rival weekend title the Daily Star Sunday was also hit hard, shedding 11.4% in the same period to fall further below the half-million mark.

The Daily Mirror‘s circulation was also dented, as the paper lost 8.9% year on year while arch rival the Sun saw a slip of 3.7%. The titles now command circulations of 1.7 million and 3.2 million respectively.

Popular Market Sep 04 – Feb 05 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Sep 03 – Feb 04 Sep 04 – Feb 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 1,918,428 1,748,427 -170,001 -8.9
Daily Record 499,815 473,606 -26,209 -5.2
Daily Star 888,587 860,622 -27,965 -3.1
Daily Star Sunday. 529,628 469,181 -60,447 -11.4
Football First (Sunday) 26,867 26,115 -752 -2.8
News of the World 3,909,342 3,749,891 -159,451 -4.1
People 1,066,137 982,855 -83,282 -7.8
Racing Post 76,657 75,349 -1,308 -1.7
Sun 3,410,550 3,283,418 -127,132 -3.7
Sunday Mirror 1,614,916 1,591,479 -23,437 -1.5
Sunday Sport 177,838 154,956 -22,882 -12.9
Total 14,118,765 13,415,899 -702,866 -5.0

Metro Titles

Associated Newspapers’ commuter-friendly Metro titles continued to see a rise in their total certified distribution figure during February, with London leading the way, notching up an 8% rise year on year. The Midlands also performed well, adding 2% in the same period, while the North West suffered a dip of 1.2%.

Overall the Metro titles added 3.9% to their total, edging closer than ever to the 1 million mark.

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Feb 04 – Feb 05 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Feb-04 Feb-05 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 459,151 495,703 36,552 8.0
Metro (Metro North East) 54,132 53,664 -468 -0.9
Metro (MetroMidlands) 84,704 86,400 1,696 2.0
Metro (MetroScot) 118,607 117,686 -921 -0.8
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 75,648 75,603 -45 -0.1
Metro (NorthWest) 109,124 107,839 -1,285 -1.2
Total Metro 901,366 936,895 35,529 3.9
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthly data is currently unavailable

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