
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2006

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2006

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The daily newspaper market in the UK saw a decline in sales overall during February, with a dip of 2.98% year on year indicating a continued slump in the sector’s fortunes.

Worst hit was the popular sector, which saw a downturn in sales across the board. The Daily Star bore the brunt of the downturn, losing 7.3% year on year, closely followed by the Daily Record, which shed 6.4% in the same period.

In terms of individual decline, the Daily Express suffered the worst, with a dip of 12.7% year on year leaving the paper with a circulation of 827,905, down over 120,000 in real terms on February 2005.

The quality market saw more positive results, however, with the Financial Times bouncing back from the departure of its editor Andrew Gowers at the end of last year (see FT Editor Steps Down Citing ‘Strategic Differences’) to post an increase of 5.1% in sales, pushing its total to 440,837.

The Guardian also put in a good performance, adding 4.4% on February 2005 to see sales hit 382,931 and build on the success of its relaunch in Berliner format last year (see Guardian Hits Newsstands In Berliner Format).

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Feb 2006
Daily Titles Feb-05 Feb-06 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 907,329 901,123 -6,206 -0.7
Financial Times 419,386 440,837 21,451 5.1
Guardian 366,645 382,931 16,286 4.4
Independent 263,595 266,075 2,480 0.9
Times 679,190 669,691 -9,499 -1.4
Mid Market        
Daily Express 948,375 827,905 -120,470 -12.7
Daily Mail 2,426,533 2,439,142 12,609 0.5
Daily Mirror 1,719,743 1,656,655 -63,088 -3.7
Daily Record 480,877 450,302 -30,575 -6.4
Daily Star 854,480 791,900 -62,580 -7.3
Sun 3,273,116 3,145,433 -127,683 -3.9
Total Daily 12,339,269 11,971,994 -367,275 -2.98

Quality Daily Titles

The Daily Telegraph retained its leadership of the daily quality market in February, despite a dip of 0.7% in sales year on year.

The title, which commands a circulation of 901,123 retains a good lead over its nearest rival, the Times, which also suffered a decline in sales year on year, shedding 1.4% to 669,691.

Other titles in the sector saw a more positive performance, however, with the Financial Times leading the way, adding 5.1% year on year to total 440,837.

The Guardian also added to its circulation in February, rising by 4.4% to hit 382,931, while the Independent recorded the smallest increase, at 0.9% to 266,075.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The mid market saw the Daily Express record the largest circulation decline of any daily newspaper, losing 12.7% year on year to shed just over 120,000 copies in real terms.

The paper now commands a circulation of 827,905, while the rival Daily Mail added 0.5% in the same period to push sales up to 2.4 million.

Popular Daily Titles

The popular market saw declines in circulation across the board, with the Daily Star leading the downturn, shedding 7.3% to 791,900.

The depressed market also hit the Daily Record hard, forcing a 6.4% slip in sales to 450,302.

Arch rivals the Sun and Daily Mirror fared better, but failed to escape the downturn, losing 3.9% and 3.7% respectively.

The Sun retains its position as the nation’s best selling daily newspaper, however, with a total circulation of 3.1 million far outstripping the Mirror’s 1.7 million.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The daily newspaper market’s depression spilled over into the Sunday sector in February, with just two titles, the newly relaunched Independent on Sunday and the recently revamped Observer, making an increase in sales.

The rise of 17.1% by the Independent on Sunday is impressive, and signals a good reception from the public following its switch to compact format at the end of last year (see Independent On Sunday To Make Tabloid Switch).

The Observer’s rise is also encouraging for compact papers, following the title’s switch to the mid-sized Berliner format at the beginning of the year (see Observer Makes Transition To Berliner Format).

Elsewhere, however, the Sunday newspaper market looked depressingly bleak, with both the mid market and popular sectors recording declines across the board.

The Sunday Express aped the poor performance of its weekday counterpart to record the largest single decline year on year, shedding 14.3% to losing more than 144,000 copies in real terms.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Feb 2006
Sunday Titles Feb-05 Feb-06 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 208,563 244,287 35,724 17.1
Observer 444,509 484,357 39,848 9.0
Sunday Times 1,400,873 1,371,545 -29,328 -2.1
Sunday Telegraph 686,779 683,741 -3,038 -0.4
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,374,856 2,285,387 -89,469 -3.8
Sunday Express 1,007,095 862,987 -144,108 -14.3
Daily Star Sunday. 419,262 386,690 -32,572 -7.8
News Of The World 3,649,466 3,630,390 -19,076 -0.5
People 1,007,140 884,410 -122,730 -12.2
Sunday Mirror 1,534,736 1,451,834 -82,902 -5.4
Total Sunday 12,771,663 12,324,377 -447,286 -3.5

Quality Sunday Titles

The Independent on Sunday notched up the largest rise in circulation amongst the Sunday quality titles, adding 17.1% to total 244,287 following its switch to compact format at the end of 2005 (see Independent On Sunday To Make Tabloid Switch).

Elsewhere, the Observer echoed the success of its weekday counterpart the Guardian, adding a respectable 9% year on year to total 248,357 and give further credence to the Berliner format, adopted in January (see Observer Makes Transition To Berliner Format).

Elsewhere, the latest ABC results delivered less impressive results, however. The Sunday Times suffered the largest downturn in the sector, losing 2.1% year on year to drop by 29,328 in real terms. The paper now commands a circulation of just under 1.4 million.

The Sunday Telegraph also suffered, shedding 0.4% in the same period to total 683,741.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

The Sunday mid market looked down in the mouth in February, as the Sunday Express echoed the poor performance of its weekday stablemate to record the largest dip in circulation of any weekend title.

Falling by 14.3% year on year, the newspaper now commands sales of 862,987, while the Mail on Sunday retains its lead despite a dip of 3.8%, with a circulation just under 2.3 million.

Popular Sunday Titles

A disappointing set of ABC results for the popular sector saw declines across the board. Worst hit was the People, losing 12.2% year on year to total 884,410.

Also struggling was the Daily Star Sunday, which shed 7.8% in the same period to 386,690. The Sunday Mirror fared better, but could not escape the depression, with a 5.4% dip dragging its total just short of 1.5 million.

The News of the World fell just short of a positive result, meanwhile, with a downturn of 0.5% doing little to dent its leadership of the Sunday market. The paper now commands a circulation of just over 3.6 million.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Sep 2005 – Feb 2006
Daily Titles Sep 04 – Feb 05 Sep 05 – Feb 06 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 908,797 903,665 -5,132 -0.6
Financial Times 428,941 435,159 6,218 1.4
Guardian 372,749 394,735 21,986 5.9
Independent 261,176 261,350 174 0.1
Times 669,166 685,393 16,227 2.4
Mid Market        
Daily Express 928,378 818,612 -109,766 -11.8
Daily Mail 2,404,474 2,366,594 -37,880 -1.6
Daily Mirror 1,748,427 1,693,997 -54,430 -3.1
Daily Record 473,606 450,494 -23,112 -4.9
Daily Star 860,622 811,521 -49,101 -5.7
Sun 3,283,418 3,215,693 -67,725 -2.1
Total Daily 9,698,925 9,356,911 -342,014 -3.53
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Sep 2005 – Feb 2006
Sunday Titles Sep 04 – Feb 05 Sep 05 – Feb 06 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 210,430 226,592 16,162 7.7
Observer 450,567 464,310 13,743 3.1
Sunday Times 1,365,299 1,372,213 6,914 0.5
Sunday Telegraph 692,273 680,941 -11,332 -1.6
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,410,772 2,315,065 -95,707 -4.0
Sunday Express 982,979 852,532 -130,447 -13.3
Daily Star Sunday. 469,181 402,841 -66,340 -14.1
News Of The World 3,749,891 3,708,337 -41,554 -1.1
People 982,855 893,885 -88,970 -9.1
Sunday Mirror 1,591,479 1,492,712 -98,767 -6.2
Total Sunday 12,905,726 12,409,428 -496,298 -3.8

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