
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2011

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: February 2011

UK Daily National Newspapers

Circulation figures were down across the board once again in February, with the daily newspaper market posting a 5.4% decline on last year’s figures.

The total daily market was also down 3.5% on January’s numbers. However, two titles saw a rise in sales – the Daily Record and Associated’s new i (i recorded an impressive 31.6% PoP jump).

The picture for the Sunday newspaper market is similar, with an overall 7% year on year decline – however, three titles in our report enjoyed slight period on period increases during the month.

Daily Newspaper Market

Daily Titles Feb-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 685,177 651,184 628,338 -56,839 -8.3 -22,846 -3.5
Financial Times 390,203 383,067 378,707 -11,496 -2.9 -4,360 -1.1
Guardian 284,514 279,308 262,612 -21,902 -7.7 -16,696 -6.0
Independent 183,547 185,035 182,513 -1,034 -0.6 -2,522 -1.4
Times 505,062 457,250 445,962 -59,100 -11.7 -11,288 -2.5
Mid Market
Daily Express 672,951 639,875 623,603 -49,348 -7.3 -16,272 -2.5
Daily Mail 2,111,204 2,136,568 2,070,625 -40,579 -1.9 -65,943 -3.1
Daily Mirror 1,234,967 1,194,097 1,177,220 -57,747 -4.7 -16,877 -1.4
Daily Record 328,183 306,872 312,461 -15,722 -4.8 5,589 1.8
Daily Star 803,859 734,311 718,478 -85,381 -10.6 -15,833 -2.2
Sun 2,972,763 3,001,822 2,818,344 -154,419 -5.2 -183,478 -6.1
Total Daily 10,172,430 9,969,389 9,618,863 -553,567 -5.4 -350,526 -3.5

Quality Daily Titles

  • The Times saw the biggest actual loss in the quality sector, down by more than 59,000 copies on February 2010 (-11.7% YoY)
  • The Telegraph was not far behind, down 56,800 copies (-8.3% YoY) – however, it remains the most popular title in the sector with a total circulation of 628,000 copies
  • The Independent fared better than most, dipping -0.6% YoY (a loss of just 1,000 copies).
  • The Indy spin-off i posted total sales of 175,714 – up from 133,472 in January


Mid-Market Daily Titles

  • The Daily Mail retained a healthy circulation of more than 2 million copies, despite posting a -1.9% YoY decline in sales
  • The Daily Express suffered a higher -7.3% YoY fall (down by almost 50,000 copies) to 623,600


Popular Daily Titles

  • The Daily Record bucked the general trend, recording a small 1.8% increase PoP – up by almost 5,600 copies to 312,000
  • The Daily Star, meanwhile, suffered the highest percentage decline – down -10.6% YoY (85,000 copies)
  • The Sun saw the biggest actual loss in sales, down by more than 154,000 copies – however, it holds on to the crown as the most popular daily newspaper with a total circulation of 2.8 million


Sunday Newspaper Market

The picture was much the same in the Sunday newspaper market, though a few titles saw a boost in sales during the period.

Following on from the success of i, the Independent on Sunday enjoyed a small 0.1% PoP rise, while the Sunday Times and the Sunday Mirror also posted increases.

Sunday Titles Feb-10 Jan-11 Feb-11 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 155,661 152,561 152,782 -2,879 -1.8 221 0.1
Observer 342,467 314,164 302,490 -39,977 -11.7 -11,674 -3.7
Sunday Times 1,122,165 1,039,371 1,045,495 -76,670 -6.8 6,124 0.6
Sunday Telegraph 516,238 496,128 488,218 -28,020 -5.4 -7,910 -1.6
Mid Market
Sunday Express 575,314 550,269 533,293 -42,021 -7.3 -16,976 -3.1
Mail On Sunday. 1,978,316 1,958,083 1,924,589 -53,727 -2.7 -33,494 -1.7
Daily Star Sunday. 347,374 316,712 302,357 -45,017 -13.0 -14,355 -4.5
News Of The World 2,993,709 2,789,560 2,708,158 -285,551 -9.5 -81,402 -2.9
People 541,470 500,866 488,240 -53,230 -9.8 -12,626 -2.5
Sunday Mirror 1,155,975 1,092,816 1,100,177 -55,798 -4.8 7,361 0.7
Total Sunday 9,728,689 9,210,530 9,045,799 -682,890 -7.0 -164,731 -1.8

Quality Sunday Titles

  • The Sunday Times enjoyed the biggest percentage increase during the period, up 0.6% on January’s figures, and remains the highest-selling Sunday quality with a total circulation of more than one million copies
  • The Independent on Sunday also posted a small increase – up 0.1% PoP to 153,000 copies
  • The Observer, meanwhile, suffered the highest percentage decline, down -11.7% YoY and -3.7% PoP, taking its total to 302,000 copies


Mid-Market Sunday Titles

  • The Mail on Sunday‘s circulation still sits below the 2 million-mark following a -2.7% YoY and -1.7% PoP decline
  • The Sunday Express, meanwhile, posted a -7.3% YoY drop to 533,000 copies


Popular Sunday Titles

  • The Sunday Mirror was the success story of the tabloid market, up 0.7% PoP to 1.1 million copies
  • The News of the World posted the biggest actual loss (down by more than 285,000 copies) but remains the highest-selling Sunday title with a total circulation of 2.7 million
  • The Daily Star Sunday recorded the highest percentage fall, down -13% YoY


National Newspapers ABC Figures – Sep – Feb 2011

Daily Titles Sep 09 -Feb 10 Aug 10 -Jan 11 Sep 10- Feb 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 734,991 653,910 646,517 -88,474 -12.0 -7,393 -1.1
Financial Times 400,902 390,687 391,048 -9,854 -2.5 361 0.1
Guardian 303,672 273,522 271,938 -31,734 -10.5 -1,584 -0.6
Independent 186,081 180,842 180,857 -5,224 -2.8 15 0.0
Times 541,416 472,893 464,907 -76,509 -14.1 -7,986 -1.7
Mid Market
Daily Express 687,543 646,384 638,577 -48,966 -7.1 -7,807 -1.2
Daily Mail 2,136,189 2,119,490 2,102,865 -33,324 -1.6 -16,625 -0.8
Daily Mirror 1,258,992 1,194,665 1,185,439 -73,553 -5.8 -9,226 -0.8
Daily Record 328,879 313,547 310,381 -18,498 -5.6 -3,166 -1.0
Daily Star 817,574 791,803 768,047 -49,527 -6.1 -23,756 -3.0
Sun 2,989,347 2,919,446 2,887,055 -102,292 -3.4 -32,391 -1.1
Total Daily 10,385,586 9,957,189 9,847,631 -537,955 -5.2 -109,558 -1.1

National Newspapers ABC Figures – Sep – Feb 2011

Sunday Titles Sep 09 -Feb 10 Aug 10 -Jan 11 Sep 10- Feb 11 Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 155,833 153,322 152,716 -3,117 -2.0 -606 -0.4
Observer 363,650 314,163 313,019 -50,631 -13.9 -1,144 -0.4
Sunday Times 1,162,472 1,056,219 1,052,762 -109,710 -9.4 -3,457 -0.3
Sunday Telegraph 557,434 501,740 498,769 -58,665 -10.5 -2,971 -0.6
Mid Market
Sunday Express 597,065 554,717 548,065 -49,000 -8.2 -6,652 -1.2
Mail On Sunday. 2,038,372 1,979,546 1,972,529 -65,843 -3.2 -7,017 -0.4
Daily Star Sunday. 361,472 349,868 336,714 -24,758 -6.8 -13,154 -3.8
News Of The World 2,995,247 2,810,028 2,783,244 -212,003 -7.1 -26,784 -1.0
People 544,124 512,254 504,393 -39,731 -7.3 -7,861 -1.5
Sunday Mirror 1,166,328 1,102,588 1,096,198 -70,130 -6.0 -6,390 -0.6
Total Sunday 9,941,997 9,334,445 9,258,409 -683,588 -6.9 -76,036 -0.8

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