
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – July 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – July 2004

The Guardian continued to see its circulation decline last month, as the paper lost 4.5% compared with June as a result of intensified competition in the broadsheet market. However, the Guardian recently announced an intention to reduce its size, adopting the Berliner size and shape favoured by French newspaper Le Monde, in order to revive its flagging readership (see Guardian Takes Titles Compact With £50 Million Investment).

The redesign will also affect the Observer, itself suffering 4.1% downturn in circulation compared with June, and mirrors the decisions of the Times and the Independent to reduce their format to appeal to commuters.

The Independent continues to prosper from its format change, having dropped its broadsheet edition entirely and experiencing positive growth ever since. Last month saw circulation creeping up 0.2% on June, while the Times saw circulation slip by 1.6% in the same period.

It is not clear why the Times, publishing in dual format, has failed to ape the Independent‘s success, as the newspaper recently unveiled research claiming that the scaled-down edition is drawing a young, upmarket audience to the newspaper, which was traditionally been a stalwart of older readers.

According to The Times Compact Readership Study, the tabloid edition is also encouraging greater loyalty to the brand and is attracting a higher percentage of regular readers than the broadsheet (see Compact Times Proves Successful In Attracting New Readers).

Elsewhere, the UK’s tabloid newspapers received a mixed bag of results, with Trinity Mirror’s flagship Daily Mirror losing 0.9% of its circulation in the same month that former Sunday Mirror deputy editor, Richard Wallace, took charge of the paper. The editorial reshuffle followed the dismissal of high-profile editor Piers Morgan in June.

Bitter rivals The Sun, on the other hand, saw circulation increase by 0.9%, further increasing their lead over the Daily Mirror and capitalising on the public uproar caused by Morgan’s publication of fake Iraqi abuse photos.

National Newspaper July 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Jun 2004 Jul 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 218,126 211,805 -6,321 -2.9
Daily Express 957,876 939,384 -18,492 -1.9
Daily Mail 2,405,499 2,418,743 13,244 0.6
Daily Mirror 1,833,980 1,816,908 -17,072 -0.9
Daily Record 491,685 485,802 -5,883 -1.2
Daily Star 890,810 919,103 28,293 3.2
Daily Star Sunday 500,461 500,274 -187 -0.0
Daily Telegraph 906,098 904,981 -1,117 -0.1
Financial Times 427,203 421,179 -6,024 -1.4
Guardian 388,584 371,129 -17,455 -4.5
Independent 261,575 262,086 511 0.2
Independent On Sunday 210,015 209,003 -1,012 -0.5
Mail On Sunday 2,273,213 2,412,785 139,572 6.1
News Of The World 3,735,839 3,706,972 -28,867 -0.8
Observer 460,239 441,193 -19,046 -4.1
People 1,004,480 1,022,243 17,763 1.8
Racing Post 87,938 83,121 -4,817 -5.5
Sport First (Sunday) 20,486 21,896 1,410 6.9
Sun 3,348,320 3,378,306 29,986 0.9
Sunday Express 1,002,145 985,457 -16,688 -1.7
Sunday Mirror 1,524,560 1,569,781 45,221 3.0
Sunday Sport 151,486 159,198 7,712 5.1
Sunday Telegraph 697,655 692,021 -5,634 -0.8
Sunday Times 1,344,326 1,304,600 -39,726 -3.0
Times 661,330 650,448 -10,882 -1.6
Total 25,803,929 25,888,418 95,371 0.3

Quality Titles

The Business continued to perform well, with circulation increasing by a mammoth 131.3% in the six months to July, as its recently terminated distribution deal with the Mail on Sunday continued to pay dividends and seed reader loyalty.

The Independent was also on top form, rising by 17.1% year on year to 259,965, while the Times mustered a 1.6% increase in the same period. The Financial Times fared less well, however, as its circulation struggled, falling by 5.4% to 436,405.

Quality Market Feb 43 – Jul 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Feb 03 – Jul 03 Feb 04 – Jul 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 99,516 230,195 130,679 131.3
Daily Telegraph 924,334 912,112 -12,222 -1.3
Financial Times 461,408 436,405 -25,003 -5.4
Guardian 398,373 379,024 -19,349 -4.9
Independent 221,994 259,965 37,971 17.1
Independent On Sunday 220,306 209,885 -10,421 -4.7
Observer 451,749 449,884 -1,865 -0.4
Sunday Telegraph 714,753 699,451 -15,302 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,372,747 1,350,384 -22,363 -1.6
Times 645,116 655,314 10,198 1.6
Total 5,510,296 5,582,619 72,323 -2.5

Mid-Market Titles

Mid-market titles were in decline with the exception of the Sunday Express during the six months to July, as Richard Desmond’s populist weekend offering notched up a 2.5% increase to just under a million year on year. The Daily Mail dipped by 0.9% during the same period while the Mail on Sunday lost 0.3%.

Mid Market Feb 04 – Jul 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Feb 03 – Jul 03 Feb 04 – Jul 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 947,021 946,307 -714 -0.1
Daily Mail 2,432,221 2,410,392 -21,829 -0.9
Mail On Sunday 2,366,120 2,359,390 -6,730 -0.3
Sunday Express 944,228 967,997 23,769 2.5
Total 6,689,590 6,684,086 -5,504 -0.1

Popular Titles

Northern & Shell’s Daily and Sunday Star were the only success stories amongst the tabloid titles in year on year analysis, with the papers reporting circulation increases of 4.5% and 6.4% respectively.

All other titles saw a decline, with the Daily Mirror down 5.5% year on year as it continues to reel from the scandal surrounding its fake Iraqi abuse picures. However, the Mirror was not bottom of the pile, with the Sunday Sport performing worst amongst the popular titles, losing 13.2% year on year in the six months to July, settling with a circulation of just over 157,000.

Popular Market Feb 04 – Jul 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Feb 04 – Jul 04 Feb 04 – Jul 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 1,973,488 1,864,279 -109,209 -5.5
Daily Record 511,816 493,475 -18,341 -3.6
Daily Star 863,567 902,245 38,678 4.5
Daily Star Sunday 474,967 505,563 30,596 6.4
News Of The World 3,858,877 3,813,004 -45,873 -1.2
People 1,110,738 1,023,708 -87,030 -7.8
Racing Post 86,285 84,037 -2,248 -2.6
Sport First 26,942 24,918 -2,024 -7.5
Sun 3,518,863 3,361,022 -157,841 -4.5
Sunday Mirror 1,628,868 1,576,421 -52,447 -3.2
Sunday Sport 180,940 157,071 -23,869 -13.2
Total 14,235,351 13,805,743 -429,608 -3.0

Metro Titles

Associated Newspaper’s Metro titles continued to perform strongly with their overall certified distribution rising by 4.7% year on year during July. The newspapers now command a circulation of 928,297 but could face competition from Richard Desmond’s planned London freesheet, provisionally entitled i (see Desmond Eyes New Name For Planned London Free-Sheet).

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Jul 04 – Jul 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Jul-03 Jul-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 450,797 487,639 36,842 8.2
Metro (Metro North East) 53,394 54,056 662 1.2
Metro (MetroMidlands) 82,940 84,843 1,903 2.3
Metro (MetroScot) 117,262 117,693 431 0.4
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 74,918 75,671 753 1.0
Metro (NorthWest) 107,601 108,395 794 0.7
Total Metro 886,912 928,297 41,385 4.7
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthy data are currently unavailable

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