
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2008

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: July 2008

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The latest national newspaper ABC figures show that the daily national newspaper market was down by 4.1% year on year overall in June.

The Sun was the only daily title in our analysis not to report a year on year decline in July.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – July 2008
Daily Titles Jul-07 Jul-08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 889,289 857,861 -31,428 -3.5
Financial Times 426,451 423,575 -2,876 -0.7
Guardian 362,309 337,917 -24,392 -6.7
Independent 240,116 235,289 -4,827 -2.0
Times 635,653 612,019 -23,634 -3.7
Mid Market        
Daily Express 794,252 735,451 -58,801 -7.4
Daily Mail 2,400,143 2,270,616 -129,527 -5.4
Daily Mirror 1,559,873 1,443,413 -116,460 -7.5
Daily Record 405,036 383,005 -22,031 -5.4
Daily Star 811,988 738,532 -73,456 -9.0
Sun 3,128,829 3,133,849 5,020 0.2
Total Daily 11,653,939 11,171,527 -482,412 -4.1

Quality Daily Titles

In the Quality sector, the Financial Times, was down by 0.7% year on year, leaving its total at almost 424,000 copies.

The Guardian suffered the largest year on year percentage drop in the qualities, of 6.7%, to leave its total at just under 338,000 copies.

The Daily Telegraph and the Times were both down year on year, by 3.5% and 3.7% respectively.

The Daily Telegraph‘s circulation now stands at almost 858,000 copies, while the Times now has a total of around 612,000 copies.

A year on year dip of 2% leaves the Independent with a circulation of more than 235,000.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

Both titles in the Mid-Market saw shrinking circulations in July, with the Daily Express and Daily Mail shedding almost 59,000 and 130,000 copies from their totals respectively.

The Daily Mail‘s circulation remains impressive however, at almost 2.3 million copies, while the Daily Express‘s stands at over 735,000.

Popular Daily Titles

The Daily Star had a pretty bad July, with a 9% year on year fall in its circulation leaving it with a total figure of around 739,000 copies.

The Daily Mirror now has a total circulation of more than 1.4 million copies, following a year on year fall of 7.5%.

The Daily Record was down 5.4% year on year, leaving its total circulation at 383,000.

Of the four Popular dailies in our analysis, the Sun had the best month, with a small rise of 0.2% It now has a total circulation of 3.1 million copies.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday market was down 5.7% year on year overall for the month, with only three Sunday titles in our report boosting their circulation figures.

The Sunday Times was up by 1.0% to around 1.15 million copies, while the Mail on Sunday and the News of The World increased by 0.1% and 0.4% respectively.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – July 2008
Sunday Titles Jul-07 Jul-08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 216,371 200,451 -15,920 -7.4
Observer 445,162 428,372 -16,790 -3.8
Sunday Times 1,169,017 1,159,231 -9,786 -0.8
Sunday Telegraph 636,681 619,637 -17,044 -2.7
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,319,788 2,206,267 -113,521 -4.9
Sunday Express 769,950 655,003 -114,947 -14.9
Daily Star Sunday. 429,907 388,880 -41,027 -9.5
News Of The World 3,294,832 3,183,401 -111,431 -3.4
People 737,041 639,546 -97,495 -13.2
Sunday Mirror 1,427,617 1,316,534 -111,083 -7.8
Total Sunday 11,446,366 10,797,322 -649,044 -5.7

Quality Sunday Titles

In the Quality sector, The Sunday Times, the Mail on Sunday and News of the World all saw slight increases.

The Sunday Telegraph dipped 2% year on year, taking its circulation to around 620,000 copies in July 2008.

Meanwhile, the Independent on Sunday was down 4.3%, leaving its circulation at around 200,000 copies.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the Sunday Mid-Market, the Sunday Express saw the largest overall percentage decline in circulation in the Sunday papers, down nearly 14.9% to around 655,000 copies.

The Mail on Sunday dropped by around 5% year on year, but still remains fairly steady with a circulation of 2.2 million copies.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector, the People was down by 13.2% year on year, the largest decrease in the Sunday market, to around 639,000 copies.

The Daily Star Sunday followed with a 9.5% drop, losing 41,000 copies, taking its circulation to just below 389,000 copies.

The Sunday Mirror was down almost 8% year on year, leaving its circulation at around 1.3 million copies.

The News of the World continues to have the highest circulation of the Sunday titles, at nearly 3.2 million copies, despite a 3.4% dip since July 2007.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Feb 2008 – Jul 2008
Daily Titles Feb 06 – Jul 07 Feb 07 – Jul 08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 894,391 866,631 -27,760 -3.1
Financial Times 447,557 445,473 -2,084 -0.5
Guardian 365,712 350,686 -15,026 -4.1
Independent 248,226 241,926 -6,300 -2.5
Times 636,422 617,083 -19,339 -3.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 768,321 735,685 -32,636 -4.2
Daily Mail 2,330,505 2,285,615 -44,890 -1.9
Daily Mirror 1,554,120 1,476,956 -77,164 -5.0
Daily Record 405,100 392,424 -12,676 -3.1
Daily Star 784,679 729,015 -55,664 -7.1
Sun 3,063,753 3,111,459 47,706 1.6
Total Daily 11,498,786 11,252,953 -245,833 -2.14
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Feb 2008 – Jul 2008
Sunday Titles Feb 06 – Jul 07 Feb 07 – Jul 08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 230,673 214,148 -16,525 -7.2
Observer 451,187 449,139 -2,048 -0.5
Sunday Times 1,211,686 1,183,426 -28,260 -2.3
Sunday Telegraph 652,528 630,561 -21,967 -3.4
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,283,285 2,225,329 -57,956 -2.5
Sunday Express 766,126 671,095 -95,031 -12.4
Daily Star Sunday. 391,059 370,989 -20,070 -5.1
News Of The World 3,299,303 3,196,403 -102,900 -3.1
People 733,608 649,180 -84,428 -11.5
Sunday Mirror 1,395,149 1,336,709 -58,440 -4.2
Total Sunday 11,414,604 10,926,979 -487,625 -4.3

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