ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: June 2012

June 2012 saw the daily newspaper market down -7.8%, with once again only i posting an increase: the independent morning daily increased its circulation by 99,432 (a growth of 57.4%).
Despite the year-on-year decrease, a handful of titles saw growth on their May figures. The Times increased its circulation by 1.1%, the biggest monthly rise, while the Daily Express, Daily Mail and Daily Mirror also saw growth.
Despite experiencing a dip for the month of June, it is expected that along with The Times, the Sun will be boosted by the London 2012 Olympics and the advertising deals penned by News International.
As for the Sunday titles, figures were 1.9 million up on last June, primarily due to the Sun‘s 2.2 million figure for June 2012. The Daily Star Sunday saw a year-on-year rise of 54.7%, which contrasted with the Independent on Sunday‘s drastic decrease of -18.9%.
Also included in this report are the half-year figures for Sunday titles, and London free ABC figures – these once again revealed a marginal period-on-period and year-on-year increase for City A.M. of 0.6% and 29.4% respectively.
Daily Newspaper Market
National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2012
Daily Titles | Jun-11 | May-12 | Jun-12 | YoY Actual Change | YoY % Change | PoP Actual Change | PoP % Change |
Total Daily | 9,774,845 | 9,045,264 | 9,013,715 | -761,130 | -7.8 | -31,549 | -0.3 |
Quality | |||||||
Daily Telegraph | 622,719 | 575,132 | 573,674 | -49,045 | -7.9 | -1,458 | -0.3 |
Financial Times | 356,194 | 300,584 | 297,225 | -58,969 | -16.6 | -3,359 | -1.1 |
Guardian | 256,283 | 214,703 | 211,511 | -44,772 | -17.5 | -3,192 | -1.5 |
Herald (Scotland) | 48,465 | 45,136 | 44,445 | -4,020 | -8.3 | -691 | -1.5 |
i | 173,165 | 274,539 | 272,597 | 99,432 | 57.4 | -1,942 | -0.7 |
Independent | 176,681 | 93,983 | 90,001 | -86,680 | -49.1 | -3,982 | -4.2 |
Scotsman | 40,390 | 35,927 | 35,523 | -4,867 | -12.1 | -404 | -1.1 |
Times | 440,581 | 395,752 | 400,120 | -40,461 | -9.2 | 4,368 | 1.1 |
Mid Market | |||||||
Daily Express | 621,871 | 597,885 | 602,482 | -19,389 | -3.1 | 4,597 | 0.8 |
Daily Mail | 2,047,206 | 1,931,135 | 1,939,635 | -107,571 | -5.3 | 8,500 | 0.4 |
Popular | |||||||
Daily Mirror | 1,170,541 | 1,080,544 | 1,081,330 | -89,211 | -7.6 | 786 | 0.1 |
Daily Record | 305,840 | 281,465 | 279,324 | -26,516 | -8.7 | -2,141 | -0.8 |
Daily Star | 708,163 | 606,641 | 602,296 | -105,867 | -14.9 | -4,345 | -0.7 |
Sun | 2,806,746 | 2,611,838 | 2,583,552 | -223,194 | -8.0 | -28,286 | -1.1 |
Source: ABC
Quality Daily Titles
- The Times enjoyed the biggest increase of 4,368 copies PoP
- The Independent suffered the largest drop of 4.2% PoP and a YoY decrease of 49.1% (86,680)
- i experienced a YoY change of 99,432 (57.4%)
Mid-Market Daily Titles
- Both the Daily Mail and Daily Express posted PoP rises, of 0.4% and 0.8%
Popular Daily Titles
- The Daily Mirror saw a marginal rise of 0.1% (786 copies) PoP
- The Daily Star posted a 14.9% YoY decrease, while the Sun experienced an 8% YoY drop as well as a PoP fall of 1.1%
London Free Press ABC Figures – June 2012
London Free Press | Jun-11 | May-12 | Jun-12 | YoY Actual Change | YoY % Change | PoP Actual Change | PoP % Change |
Total London Press | 1,589,861 | 1,619,451 | 1,610,759 | 20,898 | 1.3 | -8,692 | -0.5 |
City A.M | 102,636 | 132,076 | 132,857 | 30,221 | 29.4 | 781 | 0.6 |
London Evening Standard | 701,743 | 701,816 | 700,506 | -1,237 | -0.2 | -1,310 | -0.2 |
Metro (London) | 785,482 | 785,559 | 777,396 | -8,086 | -1.0 | -8,163 | -1.0 |
Source: ABC
London Free Titles
- While City A.M. saw PoP growth of 0.6%, Metro‘s circulation fell by 1% on May’s figure
Sunday Newspaper Market
National Newspaper ABC Figures – June 2012
Sunday Titles | Jun-11 | May-12 | Jun-12 | YoY Actual Change | YoY % Change | PoP Actual Change | PoP % Change |
Total Sunday | 6,994,500 | 9,004,123 | 8,934,933 | 1,940,433 | 27.7 | -69,190 | -0.8 |
Quality | |||||||
Independent On Sunday | 151,229 | 125,373 | 122,588 | -28,641 | -18.9 | -2,785 | -2.2 |
Observer | 288,928 | 252,780 | 243,946 | -44,982 | -15.6 | -8,834 | -3.5 |
Scotland on Sunday. | 51,053 | 48,225 | 44,041 | -7,012 | -13.7 | -4,184 | -8.7 |
Sunday Herald | 29,233 | 27,897 | 26,187 | -3,046 | -10.4 | -1,710 | -6.1 |
Sunday Times | 1,000,848 | 924,312 | 915,969 | -84,879 | -8.5 | -8,343 | -0.9 |
Sunday Telegraph | 474,722 | 447,428 | 450,276 | -24,446 | -5.1 | 2,848 | 0.6 |
Mid Market | |||||||
Mail On Sunday | 1,927,791 | 1,802,491 | 1,824,393 | -103,398 | -5.4 | 21,902 | 1.2 |
Sunday Express | 539,478 | 512,596 | 512,843 | -26,635 | -4.9 | 247 | 0.0 |
Sunday Post | 302,420 | 265,481 | 279,120 | -23,300 | -7.7 | 13,639 | 5.1 |
Popular | |||||||
Daily Star Sunday. | 305,978 | 480,247 | 473,352 | 167,374 | 54.7 | -6,895 | -1.4 |
People | 474,549 | 462,329 | 450,097 | -24,452 | -5.2 | -12,232 | -2.6 |
Sun (Sunday) | n/a | 2,242,132 | 2,189,924 | n/a | n/a | -52,208 | -2.3 |
Sunday Mail | 360,475 | 318,567 | 313,698 | -46,777 | -13.0 | -4,869 | -1.5 |
Sunday Mirror | 1,087,796 | 1,094,265 | 1,088,499 | 703 | 0.1 | -5,766 | -0.5 |
Source: ABC
Quality Sunday Titles
- The Sunday Telegraph was the only quality Sunday daily to experience PoP growth – of 0.6%
- The Independent on Sunday and Observer were the biggest YoY losers, dropping 18.9% and 15.6% respectively
Mid-Market Sunday Titles
- All mid-market Sunday titles saw a PoP increase – the Mail on Sunday 1.2%, Sunday Post 5.5% and Sunday Express a 247 copy increase
Popular Sunday Titles
- The Daily Star Sunday grew by 54.7% YoY; the Sunday Mirror 0.1%
- The Sun on Sunday and People saw the greatest PoP dips of 2.3% and 2.6%
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2012 – Jun 2012
Daily Titles | Jan 11 – Jun 11 | Dec 11 -May 12 | Jan 21- Jun 12 | YoY Actual Change | YoY % Change | PoP Actual Change | PoP % Change |
Total Daily | 9,881,333 | 9,116,775 | 9,100,560 | -780,773 | -7.9 | -16,215 | -0.2 |
Quality | |||||||
Daily Telegraph | 632,617 | 581,137 | 578,696 | -53,921 | -8.5 | -2,441 | -0.4 |
Financial Times | 371,932 | 316,333 | 309,681 | -62,251 | -16.7 | -6,652 | -2.1 |
Guardian | 263,458 | 220,065 | 216,682 | -46,776 | -17.8 | -3,383 | -1.5 |
i | 165,596 | 259,175 | 267,992 | N/A | N/A | 8,817 | 3.4 |
Herald (Scotland) | 50,344 | 45,853 | 45,493 | -4,851 | -9.6 | -360 | -0.8 |
Independent | 180,814 | 105,517 | 100,139 | -80,675 | -44.6 | -5,378 | -5.1 |
Scotsman | 41,508 | 37,492 | 36,917 | -4,591 | -11.1 | -575 | -1.5 |
Times | 447,059 | 398,880 | 397,395 | -49,664 | -11.1 | -1,485 | -0.4 |
Mid Market | |||||||
Daily Express | 627,743 | 579,968 | 581,469 | -46,274 | -7.4 | 1,501 | 0.3 |
Daily Mail | 2,070,310 | 1,969,084 | 1,959,014 | -111,296 | -5.4 | -10,070 | -0.5 |
Popular | |||||||
Daily Mirror | Jan-08 | Jan-93 | Apr-87 | -80,628 | -6.9 | -2,103 | -0.2 |
Daily Record | 310,298 | 280,496 | 281,297 | -29,001 | -9.3 | 801 | 0.3 |
Daily Star | 708,684 | 615,277 | 612,568 | -96,116 | -13.6 | -2,709 | -0.4 |
Sun | 2,839,248 | 2,614,301 | 2,622,123 | -217,125 | -7.6 | 7,822 | 0.3 |
Source: ABC
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jan 2012 – Jun 2012
Sunday Titles | Jan 11 – Jun 11 | Dec 11 -May 12 | Jan 12- Jun 12 | YoY Actual Change | YoY % Change | PoP Actual Change | PoP % Change |
Total Sunday | 7,077,508 | 7,410,114 | 7,183,353 | 105,845 | 1.5 | -226,761 | -3.1 |
Quality | |||||||
Independent On Sunday | 152,507 | 124,723 | 123,890 | -28,617 | -18.8 | -833 | -0.7 |
Observer | 298,264 | 255,884 | 252,050 | -46,214 | -15.5 | -3,834 | -1.5 |
Scotland on Sunday. | 54,187 | 47,315 | 46,859 | -7,328 | -13.5 | -456 | -1.0 |
Sunday Herald | 32,973 | 29,300 | 28,735 | -4,238 | -12.9 | -565 | -1.9 |
Sunday Times | 1,030,215 | 939,642 | 935,235 | -94,980 | -9.2 | -4,407 | -0.5 |
Sunday Telegraph | 486,844 | 455,011 | 454,324 | -32,520 | -6.7 | -687 | -0.2 |
Mid Market | |||||||
Sunday Express | 550,248 | 554,005 | 537,032 | -13,216 | -2.4 | -16,973 | -3.1 |
Mail On Sunday | 1,923,372 | 1,855,563 | 1,842,908 | -80,464 | -4.2 | -12,655 | -0.7 |
Sunday Post | 310,042 | 283,147 | 280,215 | -29,827 | -9.6 | -2,932 | -1.0 |
Popular | |||||||
Daily Star Sunday. | 304,711 | 547,136 | 520,106 | 215,395 | 70.7 | -27,030 | -4.9 |
People | 483,348 | 599,295 | 547,739 | 64,391 | 13.3 | -51,556 | -8.6 |
Sun (Sunday) | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Sunday Mail | 364,133 | 342,162 | 334,025 | -30,108 | -8.3 | -8,137 | -2.4 |
Sunday Mirror | 1,086,664 | 1,376,931 | 1,280,235 | 193,571 | 17.8 | -96,696 | -7.0 |
Source: ABC