
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – March 2002

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – March 2002

According to analysis of March circulation figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), the overall circulation for national newspapers fell 0.9% compared to February.

The heaviest loss in percentage terms was at the Daily Express, which saw a 4.9% decrease compared to the previous month. In numbers terms, the biggest fall was at leading daily tabloid the Sun, which saw a decline in readership month on month of over 60,000.

The biggest improvements in circulation this month were at smaller circulating papers. The Racing Post managed a 22.8% increase compared to the previous month, also the largest increase in actual numbers of copies, while the Business’s circulation improved to the tune of 4.9%.

The death of the Queen Mother was unlikely to make a huge impact on circulation for March, occurring as it did at the very end of the month. However, sales of the commemorative editions put out by most titles are likely to show up in April’s figures.

National Newspaper March 2002 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Feb 2002 Mar 2002 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 77,570 81,405 3,835 4.9
Daily Express 924,174 882,175 -41,999 -4.5
Daily Mail 2,402,776 2,385,748 -17,028 -0.7
Daily Record 578,778 573,227 -5,551 -1.0
Daily Star 638,192 650,093 11,901 1.9
Daily Telegraph 1,001,495 1,002,225 730 0.1
Financial Times 487,651 501,594 13,943 2.9
Guardian 400,293 397,206 -3,087 -0.8
Independent 225,010 226,101 1,091 0.5
Independent On Sunday 232,308 233,536 1,228 0.5
Mail On Sunday 2,357,328 2,349,453 -7,875 -0.3
Mirror 2,138,920 2,116,281 -22,639 -1.1
News Of The World 4,048,547 3,970,900 -77,647 -1.9
Observer 452,330 448,201 -4,129 -0.9
Racing Post 73,754 90,541 16,787 22.8
Sport First (Sunday) 64,241 66,122 1,881 2.9
Sun 3,440,493 3,379,716 -60,777 -1.8
Sunday Express 825,395 838,510 13,115 1.6
Sunday Mirror 1,824,590 1,792,564 -32,026 -1.8
Sunday People 1,333,736 1,348,709 14,973 1.1
Sunday Sport 194,985 189,879 -5,106 -2.6
Sunday Telegraph 786,365 786,736 371 0.0
Sunday Times 1,436,862 1,396,992 -39,870 -2.8
Times 713,530 704,116 -9,414 -1.3
Total 26,659,323 26,412,030 -251,128 -0.9

Quality Market

The quality market saw year on year growth for the six month period to March 2002, but it was not overly dramatic at 0.2%. Within that figure there was a good performance from revamped financial title The Business which saw a 26% or 14,400 improvement to its circulation, which has been boosted to just under 70,000 now that the title appears on news stands on Sunday and Monday each week.

The best performance in numbers terms was the Sunday Times, with a 15,000 increase taking its circulation to 1.4 million. However, fellow Sunday title the Independent on Sunday suffered the worst loss in this category for the period, slipping 6.9%, a drop of 17,635 to just over 235,000.

Quality Market Oct 01 – Mar 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 00 – Mar 01 Oct 01 – Mar 02 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 55,395 69,803 14,408 26.0
Daily Telegraph 1,016,105 1,009,499 -6,606 -0.7
Financial Times 484,845 488,235 3,390 0.7
Guardian 398,536 406,875 8,339 2.1
Independent 229,550 227,905 -1,645 -0.7
Independent On Sunday 253,834 236,199 -17,635 -6.9
Observer 445,119 456,945 11,826 2.7
Sunday Telegraph 805,235 797,125 -8,110 -1.0
Sunday Times 1,391,437 1,406,548 15,111 1.1
Times 720,446 712,986 -7,460 -1.0
Total 5,800,502 5,812,120 11,618 0.2

Mid Market

The mid market titles as a whole saw a year on year decline for the period of 1.5%, but as usual within that the Express titles were slipping while the Mail titles saw modest growth.

The Sunday Express was the worst hit, dropping just under 95,000 year on year from its circulation, a decline of over 10% to 833,000. The Daily Express saw a 6% fall in circulation, representing around 60,000 copies. This month owner Richard Desmond announced a price slash for both Express titles- time will tell if this can arrest the decline.

Mid Market Oct 01 – Mar 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 00 – Mar 01 Oct 01 – Mar 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 996,047 936,407 -59,640 -6.0
Daily Mail 2,395,898 2,436,375 40,477 1.7
Mail On Sunday 2,336,513 2,352,693 16,180 0.7
Sunday Express 928,598 833,618 -94,980 -10.2
Total 6,657,056 6,559,093 -97,963 -1.5

Popular Market

The popular market suffered the largest fall as a whole compared to the other national newspaper markets, with a 2% fall representing over 284,000.

The best performer within this proved to be the Daily Star, which in a year on year comparison of the six month period, has seen a 12.8% improvement in circulation, the addition of 70,500 taking it to well over 620,000.

Sport First suffered the biggest loss in percentage terms, of 5.5%, while fellow sporting tabloid, the Racing Post saw one of the best improvements, up 10.7%.

The largest drop in actual numbers terms was at the Sun. The title dropped 3.4% or well over 118,000 from its circulation year on year, but remains the top selling daily tabloid by some margin, with a circulation of 3.4 million.

Popular Market Oct 01 – Mar 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 00 – Mar 01 Oct 01 – Mar 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Record 603,236 582,261 -20,975 -3.5
Daily Star 550,335 620,823 70,488 12.8
Mirror 2,182,572 2,133,996 -48,576 -2.2
News Of The World 3,985,639 3,983,603 -2,036 -0.1
Racing Post 71,034 78,625 7,591 10.7
Sport First 81,365 76,884 -4,481 -5.5
Sun 3,524,268 3,405,343 -118,925 -3.4
Sunday Mirror 1,858,051 1,796,388 -61,663 -3.3
Sunday People 1,457,438 1,352,495 -104,943 -7.2
Sunday Sport 197,100 196,581 -519 -0.3
Total 14,511,038 14,226,999 -284,039 -2.0

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