
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – March 2004

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – March 2004

The Guardian‘s decision not to launch a tabloid edition appears to be paying dividends for the title following a healthy 1.8% month on month increase in circulation to 376,287, according the latest ABC results for March.

Last month the paper’s editor, Alan Rusbridger, reiterated that he has no plans to unveil a compact edition similar to those recently launched by the Independent. However, he hinted that he could be considering launching a midsize edition somewhere between a compact and a broadsheet in an attempt to reverse declining sales (see Guardian Considers Midsize Edition To Boost Sales).

The Independent continued to go from strength to strength with circulation increasing by 0.6% during the same period to 258,012. The paper’s rising sales have been almost solely attributed to its tabloid edition and reports suggest the scaled-down version now accounts for more than half of all copies sold.

The Times also reaped the benefits of its compact incarnation with circulation rising by 0.4% month on month during March to 658,637. The paper also looks set to benefit from an exclusive distribution deal with Starbucks to sell its tabloid edition in over 300 of the coffee company’s stores around the country (see Times Secures Distribution Deal With Starbucks).

The Daily Telegraph experienced a healthy 1.8% increase in circulation to 923,042, but speculation suggests this could be the result of an increase in bulk sales and foreign distribution. Rumours have been circulating that the newspaper could be the third broadsheet to go tabloid with £8 million rumoured to be set aside for a compact launch. However, Telegraph managing director, Hugo Drayton, claims no decision has been made.

Meanwhile, Trinity Mirror’s flagship tabloid Daily Mirror saw circulation inch up by 0.3% month on month. The increase comes in the face of a recent 3p coverprice rise to 35p, which makes the paper 5p more expensive than News International’s Sun (see Daily Mirror Coverprice To Rise As Group Profits Increase).

The Sun failed to benefit from its new price advantage with circulation dipping by 1.9% during March to 3,333,215. Earlier this week aBelinda Furneaux-Harris stepped down from her role as marketing director at title just nine months after taking up the job (see Mirror Denies Watson Will Defect To Rival News Group).

Lord Rothermere’s Daily Mail felt the squeeze in the mid-market with a slight 0.4% dip in circulation to 2,398,093. However, its Sunday sibling recorded a notable 1.3% increase during the same period to 2,381,626. Richard Desmond’s Sunday Express proved less fortunate with a 2.7% month on month decline to 952,171.

National Newspaper March 2004 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Feb 2004 Mar 2004 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 284,188 282,110 -2,078 -0.7
Daily Express 961,836 942,171 -19,665 -2.0
Daily Mail 2,408,001 2,398,093 -9,908 -0.4
Daily Mirror 1,900,250 1,905,528 5,278 0.3
Daily Record 494,980 491,375 -3,605 -0.7
Daily Star 909,291 903,702 -5,589 -0.6
Daily Star Sunday 496,159 494,272 -1,887 -0.4
Daily Telegraph 906,317 923,042 16,725 1.8
Financial Times 439,035 448,791 9,756 2.2
Guardian 369,726 376,287 6,561 1.8
Independent 256,378 258,012 1,634 0.6
Independent On Sunday 207,749 209,236 1,487 0.7
Mail On Sunday 2,349,921 2,381,626 31,705 1.3
News Of The World 3,949,488 3,833,887 -115,601 -2.9
Observer 451,737 452,257 520 0.1
People 1,039,105 1,015,595 -23,510 -2.3
Racing Post 73,359 92,488 19,129 26.1
Sport First (Sunday) 24,557 28,941 4,384 17.9
Sun 3,397,472 3,333,215 -64,257 -1.9
Sunday Express 979,089 952,171 -26,918 -2.7
Sunday Mirror 1,652,843 1,584,799 -68,044 -4.1
Sunday Sport 159,027 160,799 1,772 1.1
Sunday Telegraph 695,872 697,771 1,899 0.3
Sunday Times 1,346,452 1,395,900 49,448 3.7
Times 655,876 658,637 2,761 0.4
Total 26,408,708 26,220,705 -190,764 -0.7

Quality Titles

The Business put in another strong performance in the six months to March with circulation increasing by 200.1% year on year to 279,823. The paper, owned by the reclusive Barclay brothers, recently saw its distribution deal with the Mail On Sunday come to an end in a move that could have a significant impact on sales (see Associated Ends Distribution Deal With The Business).

At the other end of the scale, the Sunday Telegraph saw circulation fall by 6.7% during the same period to 703,086. The newspaper remains at the centre of an ownership wrangle, as the assets of parent company Hollinger International are sold to the highest bidder. Earlier this week Hollywood media magnate Haim Saban and German publisher Axel Springer joined the list of bidders vying for control of Hollinger (see Two New Bidders Battle For Control Of Hollinger).

Quality Market Oct 03 – Mar 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 02 – Mar 03 Oct 03 – Mar 04 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 93,245 279,823 186,578 200.1
Daily Telegraph 946,343 914,503 -31,840 -3.4
Financial Times 457,332 438,500 -18,832 -4.1
Guardian 405,858 380,422 -25,436 -6.3
Independent 221,700 245,979 24,279 11.0
Independent On Sunday 221,158 209,028 -12,130 -5.5
Observer 469,414 461,064 -8,350 -1.8
Sunday Telegraph 753,319 703,086 -50,233 -6.7
Sunday Times 1,397,154 1,375,440 -21,714 -1.6
Times 674,756 644,082 -30,674 -4.5
Total 5,640,279 5,651,927 11,648 -2.5

Mid-Market Titles

The Daily Mail was the only mid market title not to suffer a loss in the six months to March with circulation holding firm at 2,441,694. The Daily Express suffered a 2.4% decrease during the same period to 942,979. Last month Richard Desmond, owner of the Express Newspapers Group withdrew from the race to take control of the Daily and Sunday Telegraph from Hollinger International (see Desmond Withdraws From Telegraph Race).

Mid Market Oct 03 – Mar 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Oct 02 – Mar 03 Oct 03 – Mar 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 966,211 942,979 -23,232 -2.4
Daily Mail 2,441,560 2,441,694 134 0.0
Mail On Sunday 2,381,631 2,372,722 -8,909 -0.4
Sunday Express 954,149 934,991 -19,158 -2.0
Total 6,743,551 6,692,386 -51,165 -0.8

Popular Titles

Tabloid titles saw circulation fall across the board in the six months to March, with the exception of the Daily Star, which saw sales improve by 9.7% year on year to 884,387. News International’s Sun suffered 4.5% decline in circulation to just under 3.4 million, but Sport First was the worst hit with sales falling by 25.4% year on year to 26,678.

Popular Market Oc 03 – Mar 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Nov Oc 03 – Mar 04 Oct 03 – Mar 04 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,061,241 1,912,194 -149,047 -7.2
Daily Record 524,461 495,174 -29,287 -5.6
Daily Star 806,150 884,387 78,237 9.7
Daily Star Sunday 478,116 525,909 n/a n/a
News Of The World 3,915,609 3,891,618 -23,991 -0.6
People 1,151,394 1,050,279 -101,115 -8.8
Racing Post 80,251 78,731 -1,520 -1.9
Sport First 35,759 26,678 -9,081 -25.4
Sun 3,533,643 3,375,862 -157,781 -4.5
Sunday Mirror 1,663,232 1,609,793 -53,439 -3.2
Sunday Sport 182,910 173,992 -8,918 -4.9
Total 14,432,766 14,024,617 -408,149 -2.8

Metro Titles

The Associated Newspaper-owned Metro titles performed strongly during March, with their overall certified distribution increasing of 4.8% year on year to just under 902,000. Free-sheet newspapers continue to increase in popularity and are now read by almost 20% of the urban population in eleven cities across Europe, according to Metro International’s annual readership study (see Free-Sheet Newspapers Continue To See Readership Rise).

Associated Newspaper’s Metro: Mar 03 – Mar 04 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Mar-03 Mar-04 Actual Change % Change
Metro (LondonMetro) 421,711 458,558 36,847 8.7
Metro (Metro North East) 52,851 54,110 1,259 2.4
Metro (MetroMidlands) 83,486 84,654 1,168 1.4
Metro (MetroScot) 117,583 118,561 978 0.8
Metro (MetroYorkshire) 75,402 75,731 -329 0.4
Metro (NorthWest) 109,107 110,086 979 0.9
Total Metro 860,140 901,700 41,560 4.8
NB: Monthly data has been used here as six monthy data are currently unavailable

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