
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2002

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up – May 2002

The latest figures from ABC reveal that month on month, overall circulation of national newspapers fell during May by 0.7%. The worst loss in percentage terms was at Sport First, which dropped 10,000 or 15.9% from its total month on month. Among the larger selling titles, the Mail on Sunday had a difficult month, dropping 5.1% or over 124,000 from its circulation total, to 2.3m.

Meanwhile, the Mail titles’ mid market rival the Daily Express had a better time, seeing a month on month increase of 31,000 or 3.5%, bringing its total average circulation for the month to 939,000. Also doing well in a month on month analysis was the Business, which managed a 4.7% increase to 93,652.

National Newspaper May 2002 ABC Monthly Comparisons
Title Apr 2002 May 2002 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 89,421 93,652 4,231 4.7
Daily Express 907,772 939,417 31,645 3.5
Daily Mail 2,446,197 2,405,694 -40,503 -1.7
Daily Mirror 2,108,530 2,128,755 20,225 1.0
Daily Record 567,368 558,343 -9,025 -1.6
Daily Star 667,899 680,040 12,141 1.8
Daily Telegraph 1,006,380 1,001,692 -4,688 -0.5
Financial Times 494,074 479,832 -14,242 -2.9
Guardian 404,630 400,452 -4,178 -1.0
Independent 226,584 227,175 591 0.3
Independent On Sunday 232,433 233,521 1,088 0.5
Mail On Sunday 2,422,494 2,298,338 -124,156 -5.1
News Of The World 3,922,475 3,864,915 -57,560 -1.5
Observer 460,084 460,709 625 0.1
Racing Post 86,146 84,024 -2,122 -2.5
Sport First (Sunday) 64,288 54,051 -10,237 -15.9
Sun 3,351,648 3,459,026 107,378 3.2
Sunday Express 901,846 883,106 -18,740 -2.1
Sunday Mirror 1,761,985 1,749,985 -12,000 -0.7
Sunday People 1,340,046 1,319,219 -20,827 -1.6
Sunday Sport 195,810 195,512 -298 -0.2
Sunday Telegraph 779,141 781,617 2,476 0.3
Sunday Times 1,425,884 1,399,754 -26,130 -1.8
Times 717,281 706,930 -10,351 -1.4
Total 26,580,416 26,405,759 -178,888 -0.7

Quality Market

In a year on year analysis of the six month period from December 2001 to May 2002, the quality market has stayed fairly stable in circulation, with only a fractional upward move.

Within that figure, it appears that the Independent’s recent revamp is yet to reap rewards, as circulation for the daily title rose only 0.3% year on year over the period, while the Independent on Sunday saw a 7.3% decrease in circulation, falling 182,000 to just over 230,000.

The heaviest falls in this category, in actual numbers terms, were seen at the Sunday Telegraph which shed over 20,000 from its total, some 2.5%. Still, it remains the second best selling Sunday broadsheet by some margin.

Better news was seen at the Business, which has executed something of a turnaround with its new year relaunch. Circulation was up over 45% year on year, representing an extra 25,241 copies and bringing its circulation figure to more than 80,000. The Sunday Times also did well, adding 1.6% year on year or 21,786 copies.

Quality Market Dec 01 – May 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 00 – May 01 Dec 01 – May 02 Actual Change % Change
Business, The 55,397 80,638 25,241 45.6
Daily Telegraph 1,018,088 1,004,749 -13,339 -1.3
Financial Times 486,366 490,942 4,576 0.9
Guardian 399,295 401,313 2,018 0.5
Independent 224,832 225,600 768 0.3
Independent On Sunday 249,450 231,220 -18,230 -7.3
Observer 445,273 451,838 6,565 1.5
Sunday Telegraph 804,591 784,161 -20,430 -2.5
Sunday Times 1,379,305 1,401,101 21,796 1.6
Times 718,536 710,302 -8,234 -1.1
Total 5,781,133 5,781,864 731 0.0

Mid Market

Among the mid market titles, there was a change to the usual pattern of Express titles going down in circulation while Mail titles were going up. Instead, the whole sector suffered a year on year drop in circulation of 2.1% or almost 140,000 overall.

The Daily Mail barely managed to stay at the same 2.4m mark it was at last year, but sister title the Mail on Sunday sustained a 0.9% drop, representing a reduction in circulation of 20,000. Meanwhile, at the Daily Express circulation fell 4.9% and at the Sunday Express 7.7%, or over 70,000.

Mid Market Dec 01 – May 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 00 – May 01 Dec 01 – May 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Express 974,158 926,666 -47,492 -4.9
Daily Mail 2,415,943 2,415,865 -78 -0.0
Mail On Sunday 2,363,002 2,342,903 -20,099 -0.9
Sunday Express 923,695 852,438 -71,257 -7.7
Total 6,676,798 6,537,872 -138,926 -2.1

Popular Market

The popular market saw a 2.1% drop in circulation year on year for the December to May period. This represented a fall of almost 300,000.

The worst fall in percentage terms was at Sport First, whose circulation was down 17.8%, but fellow sports tabloid the Racing Post was, conversely, one of the better performers, adding 10.2%.

The Daily Star continues to look strong, with a 13.2% year on year increase, equating to almost 75,000, taking its circulation to 640,637. Meanwhile daily market leader the Sun saw another heavy fall, of 2.8% or 97,000, but maintains a comfortable lead on nearest rival the Mirror with a circulation of 3.4m.

Popular Market Dec 01 – May 02 ABC YoY Comparisons
Title Dec 00 – May 01 Dec 01 – May 02 Actual Change % Change
Daily Mirror 2,179,105 2,120,176 -58,929 -2.7
Daily Record 600,206 572,914 -27,292 -4.5
Daily Star 566,004 640,637 74,633 13.2
News Of The World 3,968,944 3,941,167 -27,777 -0.7
Racing Post 73,772 81,316 7,544 10.2
Sport First 79,296 65,332 -13,964 -17.6
Sun 3,498,974 3,401,823 -97,151 -2.8
Sunday Mirror 1,842,397 1,777,343 -65,054 -3.5
Sunday People 1,425,796 1,339,129 -86,667 -6.1
Sunday Sport 193,707 192,135 -1,572 -0.8
Total 14,428,201 14,131,972 -296,229 -2.1

NB. From March 02 onwards ABC only record a ‘UK Excluding Scotland’ and ‘Scotland’ figure. Any UK figure shown from March 02 onwards has therefore been calculated in-house in order to allow period on period comparisons to be made. The calculation used is as follows: ‘Total’ minus ‘ROI’ and ‘Other Countries’.

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