
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2007

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2007

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

Last month brought further misery to Britain’s national daily newspapers, with the Audit Bureau of Circulations recording yet another year on year decline for the sector, of almost 4%.

Losses were felt across all sectors, with the Financial Times being the only title not to experience a downturn.

Meanwhile, the heftiest falls were seen in the Popular and Mid-Markets, with the Sun showing the greatest actual decline.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2007
Daily Titles May-06 May-07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 900,236 894,258 -5,978 -0.7
Financial Times 451,153 452,767 1,614 0.4
Guardian 381,188 371,754 -9,434 -2.5
Independent 257,226 245,466 -11,760 -4.6
Times 663,543 636,777 -26,766 -4.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 845,234 765,967 -79,267 -9.4
Daily Mail 2,390,324 2,294,929 -95,395 -4.0
Daily Mirror 1,634,006 1,554,610 -79,396 -4.9
Daily Record 443,063 404,131 -38,932 -8.8
Daily Star 785,850 778,249 -7,601 -1.0
Sun 3,149,029 3,043,351 -105,678 -3.4
Total Daily 11,900,852 11,442,259 -458,593 -3.9

Quality Daily Titles

All titles in the Quality daily sector, with the exception of the Financial Times, suffered a decline in circulation year on year for May.

The business broadsheet, which recently unveiled a redesign backed by a multi-million pound marketing push (see Redesign And Marketing Push To Modernise Financial Times), added more than 1,500 copies to its ABC year on year, leaving its total circulation at more than 450,000.

Meanwhile, it was the Times that recorded the greatest actual loss in the sector – of 26,766 year on year. Its circulation now stands at more than 635,000 following the 4% drop.

The Independent shed 4.6% from its total, or around 12,000 copies, to leave its final figure at just over 245,000.

The Guardian and the Daily Telegraph also experienced year on year declines. The Guardian‘s total ABC fell 2.5% (around 10,000 copies) whilst the Daily Telegraph lost around 6,000 issues (under 1%). The titles now hold circulations of around 372,000 and 895,000 respectively.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

Both titles in the Mid-Market daily sector saw their circulations slide.

Market-leader the Daily Mail saw its total fall to just under the 2.3 million mark after a year on year loss of more than 95,000. The Daily Express shed almost 80,000 copies to leave its total at almost 766,000.

Popular Daily Titles

The Popular sector saw significant losses overall with market leader the Sun feeling the greatest drop in its total ABC.

The red-top lost more than 105,000 editions year on year for May, a fall of 3.4%, to leave its total at just over three million, making it the most circulated daily paper in Britain.

Elsewhere, the Daily Mirror dropped almost 80,000 (around 5%). Its total now stands at over 1.5 million.

The Daily Record shed just under 40,000 copies year on year whilst the Daily Star dipped by just 7,601. The titles hold ABCs of a little over 400,000 and almost 780,000 respectively.

Sunday Newspaper Market

It was an even grimmer picture for the nation’s Sunday papers overall, with the sector experiencing a total year on year downturn in circulation of almost 6%, with declines for all titles.

The largest actual loss in the Sunday market was experienced by the News of the World, which dipped a dramatic 245,097 year on year to leave its circulation at just over 3.2 million – still the largest ABC figure in the UK.

The People also suffered a significant downturn in its circulation whilst the Sunday Times in the Quality sector shed more than 80,000 copies year on year to leave its total above 1.2 million.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2007
Sunday Titles May-06 May-07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 227,337 209,418 -17,919 -7.9
Observer 460,939 451,363 -9,576 -2.1
Sunday Times 1,302,823 1,221,590 -81,233 -6.2
Sunday Telegraph 664,672 655,047 -9,625 -1.4
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,341,605 2,274,551 -67,054 -2.9
Sunday Express 809,253 744,902 -64,351 -8.0
Daily Star Sunday 391,077 381,241 -9,836 -2.5
News Of The World 3,515,850 3,270,753 -245,097 -7.0
People 838,417 729,715 -108,702 -13.0
Sunday Mirror 1,449,654 1,377,534 -72,120 -5.0
Total Sunday 12,001,627 11,316,114 -685,513 -5.7

Quality Sunday Titles

The Sunday Times remained the market leader of the Quality Sundays, despite recording the largest actual fall in circulation in the sector.

The Times‘ Sunday counterpart lost more than 80,000 copies from its total, a fall of 6.2%, to leave its final figure above the 1.2 million mark.

Elsewhere, the Independent On Sunday was also hit, with a loss of around 18,000 issues year on year. Its total now rests at almost 210,000.

The Observer and the Sunday Telegraph, which recently announced a redesign (see New Look For Sunday Telegraph), suffered falls of more than 9,500 each. The titles now report total ABCs of just over 450,000 and 655,000 respectively.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

Both of the Mid-Market national Sunday newspapers shed copies from their total circulations.

Market leader the Mail On Sunday now reports a final figure of under 2.3 million following a drop of 67,054. The Sunday Express also suffered, losing 64,351 issues to leave its total just short of 745,000.

Popular Sunday Titles

The News of the World recorded the greatest actual slide in circulation in the Sunday market year on year, falling by over 245,000 for May.

The title’s 7% decline leaves its total at more than 3.2 million, whilst a 13% drop for the People leaves its total at just under 730,000.

The Sunday Mirror was also affected by the general slump, dipping by more than 72,000 copies year on year to leave its ABC at almost 1.4 million.

The Daily Star Sunday shed almost 10,000 copies meanwhile. Its total now rests at just over 380,000.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2006 – May 2007
Daily Titles Dec 05 – May 06 Dec 06 – May 07 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 902,358 898,938 -3,420 -0.4
Financial Times 446,880 448,970 2,090 0.5
Guardian 381,917 369,143 -12,774 -3.3
Independent 256,686 251,977 -4,709 -1.8
Times 667,067 641,428 -25,639 -3.8
Mid Market        
Daily Express 830,230 764,898 -65,332 -7.9
Daily Mail 2,383,087 2,324,032 -59,055 -2.5
Daily Mirror 1,661,468 1,557,382 -104,086 -6.3
Daily Record 445,127 407,462 -37,665 -8.5
Daily Star 787,298 770,478 -16,820 -2.1
Sun 3,158,859 3,067,057 -91,802 -2.9
Total Daily 11,920,977 11,501,765 -419,212 -3.52
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2006 – May 2007
Sunday Titles Dec 05 – May 06 Dec 06 – May 07 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday 236,970 226,546 -10,424 -4.4
Observer 483,481 449,182 -34,299 -7.1
Sunday Times 1,341,178 1,240,811 -100,367 -7.5
Sunday Telegraph 675,648 654,453 -21,195 -3.1
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday 2,318,896 2,276,590 -42,306 -1.8
Sunday Express 844,878 773,124 -71,754 -8.5
Daily Star Sunday 393,591 375,281 -18,310 -4.7
News Of The World 3,564,608 3,335,374 -229,234 -6.4
People 864,122 741,484 -122,638 -14.2
Sunday Mirror 1,480,506 1,382,643 -97,863 -6.6
Total Sunday 12,203,878 11,455,488 -748,390 -6.1

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