
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2008

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: May 2008

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The daily national newspaper market was down by 1% year on year overall in May, according to the latest ABC figures, with just one daily title in our report showing a year on year circulation increase.

The Sun was up by almost 106,000 copies year on year, although the Daily Mail remained relatively static year on year, at around 2.3 million copies.

The Daily Star suffered a relatively large percentage fall, of almost 7% year on year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2008
Daily Titles May-07 May-08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 894,258 862,966 -31,292 -3.5
Financial Times 452,767 450,558 -2,209 -0.5
Guardian 371,754 353,822 -17,932 -4.8
Independent 245,466 240,503 -4,963 -2.0
Times 636,777 626,401 -10,376 -1.6
Mid Market        
Daily Express 765,967 740,219 -25,748 -3.4
Daily Mail 2,294,929 2,292,173 -2,756 -0.1
Daily Mirror 1,554,610 1,483,830 -70,780 -4.6
Daily Record 404,131 400,133 -3,998 -1.0
Daily Star 778,249 726,097 -52,152 -6.7
Sun 3,043,351 3,149,267 105,916 3.5
Total Daily 11,442,259 11,325,969 -116,290 -1.0

Quality Daily Titles

All of the Quality daily titles saw their circulations fall in May, with the Guardian hardest hit in the sector.

It was down by almost 5% year on year, leaving its total circulation at just under 354,000 copies.

The Daily Telegraph dipped by 3.5% year on year, or around 31,000 copies, to leave its total at almost 863,000.

The Independent and Financial Times fell by 2% and 0.5% year on year respectively.

The Independent now has a circulation of more than 240,000, while the FT‘s rests at almost 451,000 copies.

The Times, meanwhile, shed over 10,000 copies from its total. Its circulation now stands at over 626,000.

Mid-Market Daily Titles

The Daily Mail remained relatively static year on year at around 2.3 million copies, while the Daily Express was down by almost 26,000 copies year on year.

The Express now has a circulation of over 740,000.

Popular Daily Titles

The Sun shone brightly in May, with a 3.5% circulation increase boosting its total to well over 3.1 million.

The Daily Record shed around 4,000 copies year on year, leaving it with a circulation of 400,000.

There were relatively large declines for the Daily Star and the Daily Mirror at almost 7% and 4.5% respectively.

The Daily Star now has a circulation of 726,000 while the Daily Mirror‘s is around 1.5 million.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday market was down by 4% year on year overall for the month and, as with the dailies, just one title posted year on year growth. The Observer was up by 0.5% year on year.

There were relatively large percentage declines in circulation for the Sunday Express and People.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2008
Sunday Titles May-07 May-08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 209,418 200,920 -8,498 -4.1
Observer 451,363 453,757 2,394 0.5
Sunday Times 1,221,590 1,186,821 -34,769 -2.8
Sunday Telegraph 655,047 635,616 -19,431 -3.0
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,274,551 2,237,509 -37,042 -1.6
Sunday Express 744,902 657,950 -86,952 -11.7
Daily Star Sunday. 381,241 366,503 -14,738 -3.9
News Of The World 3,270,753 3,138,815 -131,938 -4.0
People 729,715 646,577 -83,138 -11.4
Sunday Mirror 1,377,534 1,341,179 -36,355 -2.6
Total Sunday 11,316,114 10,865,647 -450,467 -4.0

Quality Sunday Titles

In the Quality sector, the Observer was up by 0.5%, taking its circulation to almost 454,000 copies.

The Independent On Sunday dipped by 4% year on year, to leave its circulation at around 201,000.

The Sunday Times and the Sunday Telegraph were both down by around 3% year on year, taking their circulations to around 1.2 million and 636,000 copies respectively.

Mid-Market Sunday Titles

In the Sunday Mid-Market, the Sunday Express shed almost 87,000 copies year on year.

It now has a circulation of 658,000 copies while the Mail On Sunday‘s now stands at just over 2.2 million following a fall of 1.5%.

Popular Sunday Titles

In the Popular sector the People was down by 11.5% year on year, or 83,00 copies, leaving its total at under 647,000.

The News Of The World remains the Sunday title with the highest circulation, at 3.1 million copies, although it suffered a year on year dip of 4%.

The Daily Star Sunday was also down by 4% year on year, giving it a circulation of under 367,000.

Following a drop of 2.5%, the Sunday Mirror now has a circulation of 1.3 million copies.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2007 – May 2008
Daily Titles Dec 06 – May 07 Dec 07 – May 08 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 898,938 872,673 -26,265 -2.9
Financial Times 448,970 449,295 325 0.1
Guardian 369,143 357,701 -11,442 -3.1
Independent 251,977 243,435 -8,542 -3.4
Times 641,428 620,989 -20,439 -3.2
Mid Market        
Daily Express 764,898 738,186 -26,712 -3.5
Daily Mail 2,324,032 2,307,349 -16,683 -0.7
Daily Mirror 1,557,382 1,491,262 -66,120 -4.2
Daily Record 407,462 393,517 -13,945 -3.4
Daily Star 770,478 725,320 -45,158 -5.9
Sun 3,067,057 3,103,264 36,207 1.2
Total Daily 11,501,765 11,302,991 -198,774 -1.73
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Dec 2007 – May 2008
Sunday Titles Dec 06 – May 07 Dec 07 – May 08 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 226,546 216,863 -9,683 -4.3
Observer 449,182 451,241 2,059 0.5
Sunday Times 1,240,811 1,195,422 -45,389 -3.7
Sunday Telegraph 654,453 628,611 -25,842 -3.9
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,276,590 2,244,243 -32,347 -1.4
Sunday Express 773,124 679,090 -94,034 -12.2
Daily Star Sunday. 375,281 365,558 -9,723 -2.6
News Of The World 3,335,374 3,208,231 -127,143 -3.8
People 741,484 660,602 -80,882 -10.9
Sunday Mirror 1,382,643 1,340,424 -42,219 -3.1
Total Sunday 11,455,488 10,990,285 -465,203 -4.1

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