
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2005

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2005

Newspapers Daily Newspaper Market

The daily newspaper market saw a tumultuous month in November, with several quality titles managing to increase sales year on year, while both the mid market sector and the popular market suffered downturns across the board.

The Guardian managed the largest increase in circulation year on year, adding 6.3% to total 401,029. However, the title, which relaunched in Berliner format earlier this year, suffered a slip of 0.6% month on month.

Elsewhere, both the Daily Express and Daily Mail suffered circulation dips, losing 10.7% and 2.6% respectively. The Daily Express’ performance was the worst of any national daily, and translates to a loss of almost 96,000 sales in real terms.

The popular market also saw sizeable declines in sales, with the Daily Star shedding 6% of its circulation to rest at 795,308.

Overall the nation’s daily newspaper market lost 2.68% from its sales year on year, continuing the recent trend for decline.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Nov 2005
Daily Titles Nov-04 Nov-05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 917,001 903,405 -13,596 -1.5
Financial Times 425,259 431,806 6,547 1.5
Guardian 377,292 401,029 23,737 6.3
Independent 262,293 263,449 1,156 0.4
Times 682,109 691,283 9,174 1.3
Mid Market        
Daily Express 892,533 796,592 -95,941 -10.7
Daily Mail 2,403,073 2,341,437 -61,636 -2.6
Daily Mirror 1,748,026 1,671,950 -76,076 -4.4
Daily Record 467,421 442,546 -24,875 -5.3
Daily Star 846,169 795,308 -50,861 -6.0
Sun 3,239,041 3,192,976 -46,065 -1.4
Total Daily 12,260,217 11,931,781 -328,436 -2.68

Quality Daily Titles

The latest figures from the Audit Bureau of Circulations show the daily quality newspaper sector in good health, with only one title suffering a decline in sales year on year during November.

The Guardian saw the largest increase in circulation, adding 6.3% year on year to total 401,029 following its switch to the Berliner format earlier this year. The paper’s new format was critically acclaimed upon its launch, although in month on month analysis, sales have slipped by 0.6%.

Fellow compact titles the Times and Independent also saw success in year on year comparisons, adding 1.3% and 0.4% respectively to command sales of 691,283 and 263,449. The Financial Times also saw an increase, adding 1.5% to total 431,806 in the same month as the paper’s editor, Andrew Gowers, left the title citing “strategic differences” with its management.

The Daily Telegraph remains the market leader within the daily quality sector, with a circulation of 903,405, despite a circulation dip of 1.5% year on year.

Mid Market Daily Titles

The nation’s daily mid market titles suffered harsh downturns in circulation during November, as both the Daily Express and Daily Mail lost sizable percentages from their sales.

The Daily Express notched up the largest circulation downturn of any daily newspaper, shedding 10.7% year on year, or 95,941 in real terms. The title’s circulation currently rests at 796,592.

The Daily Mail also looked glum, losing 2.6% from its circulation year on year to total 2.3 million. The title remains the nation’s second best selling title, however, trailing the Sun by 851,539.

Popular Daily Titles

The popular newspaper market was also downbeat last month, with decreasing circulations across the board led by the Daily Star which shed 6% from its total year on year, leaving sales of 795,308.

The Daily Record was also hit hard by the downturn, losing 5.3% year on year to total 442,546. Elsewhere, arch rivals the Daily Mirror and the Sun suffered declines of 4.4% and 1.4% respectively. The Daily Mirror now commands sales of 1.7 million, while the Sun remains the nation’s favourite title, with a circulation of 3.2 million.

Sunday Newspaper Market

The Sunday newspaper market saw mixed performance for both the quality and popular market, with a number of circulation increases and declines, while the mid market echoed the performance of its daily counterpart with declining sales across the board.

The Daily Star Sunday saw the largest downturn in sales year on year, shedding 15.3% year on year to dip below the 400,000 mark with a total of 395,708.

Elsewhere the Sunday Express saw a similarly poor performance, with a dip of 12.5% year on year leaving the title’s circulation at 871,312.

The Independent on Sunday saw the largest circulation increase of all the Sunday papers, adding 6.3% year on year to deliver a total circulation of 225,629. The Sunday Telegraph also saw a respectable rise of 3%, pushing its total to 714,992.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Nov 2005
Sunday Titles Nov-04 Nov-05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 212,172 225,629 13,457 6.3
Observer 459,952 436,882 -23,070 -5.0
Sunday Times 1,363,512 1,395,046 31,534 2.3
Sunday Telegraph 694,304 714,992 20,688 3.0
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,531,928 2,337,740 -194,188 -7.7
Sunday Express 996,049 871,312 -124,737 -12.5
Daily Star Sunday. 467,445 395,708 -71,737 -15.3
News Of The World 3,631,057 3,733,025 101,968 2.8
People 931,019 870,389 -60,630 -6.5
Sunday Mirror 1,591,708 1,421,348 -170,360 -10.7
Total Sunday 12,917,438 12,440,728 -476,710 -3.7

Quality Sunday Titles

The Observer saw the only dip in circulation amongst the nation’s quality Sunday titles during November, losing 5% year on year to leave sales at 436,882. Sector-leading Sunday Times saw an upturn of 2.3% meanwhile, extending its circulation to 1.4 million.

The Independent on Sunday made the largest increase in sales, shifting 6.3% more copies than at the same point last year, giving the title a circulation of 225,629. The paper changed to the same compact format as its weekday counterpart earlier this year (see Independent On Sunday To Make Tabloid Switch).

Elsewhere, the Sunday Telegraph added 3% to its circulation, which now totals 714,992.

Mid Market Sunday Titles

The nation’s mid market Sunday titles were hit hard by decline last month, as the Mail on Sunday shed 7.7% of its total, while the Sunday Express suffered a 12.5% slip. The titles now command sales of 2.3 million and 871,312 respectively.

Popular Sunday Titles

The News of the World saw the only circulation increase amongst Britain’s popular Sunday titles, adding 2.8% year on year to total 3.7 million. The title remains the best selling Sunday title, with a circulation 1.4 million larger than its nearest rival, the Mail on Sunday.

Heavy declines were seen by other popular titles, however, with the Daily Star Sunday notching up the largest dip in sales, at 15.3%. The paper’s total now rests at 395,708.

Meanwhile, the Sunday Mirror put in a poor performance, losing 10.7% year on year to see its circulation slip to 1.4 million. The People saw less severe declines, although its loss of 6.5% year on year remains a sizeable downturn, losing the paper over 60,000 sales in real terms.

Six Monthly Year On Year Analysis

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jun 2005 – Nov 2005
Daily Titles Jun 04 – Nov 04 Jun 05 – Nov 05 Actual Change % Change
Daily Telegraph 907,266 904,955 -2,311 -0.3
Financial Times 426,279 423,874 -2,405 -0.6
Guardian 375,780 378,618 2,838 0.8
Independent 263,209 261,193 -2,016 -0.8
Times 659,547 692,581 33,034 5.0
Mid Market        
Daily Express 938,361 842,145 -96,216 -10.3
Daily Mail 2,416,471 2,369,698 -46,773 -1.9
Daily Mirror 1,797,779 1,728,203 -69,576 -3.9
Daily Record 484,988 460,240 -24,748 -5.1
Daily Star 893,644 851,658 -41,986 -4.7
Sun 3,326,341 3,274,855 -51,486 -1.5
Total Daily 9,857,584 9,526,799 -330,785 -3.36
National Newspaper ABC Figures – Jun 2005 – Nov 2005
Sunday Titles Jun 04 – Nov 04 Jun 05 – Nov 05 Actual Change % Change
Independent On Sunday. 212,938 211,693 -1,245 -0.6
Observer 451,337 439,935 -11,402 -2.5
Sunday Times 1,344,103 1,365,042 20,939 1.6
Sunday Telegraph 696,918 682,114 -14,804 -2.1
Mid Market        
Mail On Sunday. 2,387,804 2,294,134 -93,670 -3.9
Sunday Express 1,000,637 883,993 -116,644 -11.7
Daily Star Sunday. 489,160 416,501 -72,659 -14.9
News Of The World 3,750,720 3,712,930 -37,790 -1.0
People 1,000,920 920,511 -80,409 -8.0
Sunday Mirror 1,593,058 1,501,457 -91,601 -5.8
Total Sunday 12,927,595 12,428,310 -499,285 -3.9

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