
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2009

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: November 2009

UK Daily National Newspapers

Daily Newspaper Market

November saw the daily newspaper market fall by 1.9% period on period and by 4.9% overall on the same period last year.

All titles in the daily sector reported period on period falls, however, the Daily Star managed to increase its circulation over the year.

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Quality Daily Titles

In the quality sector, the Independent saw the smallest percentage fall, dipping by just 0.3% period on period to 186,500 copies.

The Times, meanwhile, was down by 1.5% in November, a real term loss of more than 8,500 readers.  Its total circulation now sits at 563,000 copies.

The Guardian reported a 2.1% period on period drop, which takes its total down to 305,000 copies from 312,000 copies in October.  The title also suffered a fairly substantial 14.8% year on year decline.

The Financial Times managed to retain a fairly healthy circulation of over 400,000 despite a 2.9% year on year fall.

The Daily Telegraph saw the highest percentage fall in the quality sector, dropping 3.1% period on period, but still has the highest circulation of the quality titles with a total of more than 744,000 copies.

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Mid-Market Daily Titles

The Daily Mail‘s circulation only dipped by 0.4% in November.  With a total of more than 2.1 million copies, the title is the second highest selling newspaper in the daily market.

Meanwhile, the Daily Express reported a 1.8% period on period drop, which takes its total circulation down to 685,000 copies.

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Popular Daily Titles

The Popular sector suffered the most in terms of percentage falls in November.

The Daily Record‘s total dropped by 4.8% period on period, and by a significant 10.7% year on year, leaving it with 323,000 copies.

The Daily Mirror, meanwhile, reported a 2.8% period on period and 10% year on year decline.  Its total now sits at 1.2 million copies – down from 1.4 million in November 2008.

The Sun still boasts the highest circulation of the daily market with a total of more than 2.9 million copies.  However, the red-top’s total has slipped below 3 million copies again after a 2.2% period on period fall.

The Daily Star was also down period on period – by 1.6% – but was the only title in the daily sector to record a year on year increase – up 15.3%.  The Star‘s total sits at more than 823,000 copies.

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Sunday Newspaper Market

The overall Sunday newspaper sector suffered a 3.1% period on period circulation decline in November.

Only one of the Sunday titles, the Observer, managed to post a period on period increase.

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Quality Sunday Titles

The Observer recorded a 1.6% period on period rise in November, an increase of more than 5,700 readers.  However, the title suffered a substantial 16.1% year on year decline.  Its total now sits at 372,600 copies.

The Sunday Times and Sunday Telegraph both witnessed a similar percentage decline of 1.8% and 1.9% respectively.  The Sunday Times retains its ‘quality crown’ with more than 1.1 million copies, while the Telegraph‘s total stands at 577,000 copies.

The Independent on Sunday‘s circulation only dipped by 0.2% in November, which leaves its total fairly static at 156,000 copies.

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Mid-Market Sunday Titles

The Mail on Sunday still boasts an impressive circulation of more than 2 million copies despite posting a 2.1% period on period drop.

The Sunday Express, meanwhile, fell by 3.2% period on period – and by a significant 11.3% year on year – to below 600,000 copies.

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Popular Sunday Titles

In line with the Daily titles, the Popular sector also suffered the biggest losses in terms of percentage declines.

The Sunday Mirror posted a 4.9% period on period fall, taking its total down to 1.1 million copies.

The News of the World was down by 4.6% in November, a real term loss of more than 141,000 copies.  The title’s circulation has now fallen below the 3 million copies mark, although it still remains the highest selling newspaper in the Sunday market.

Meanwhile, the People recorded a 3.3% period on period decline – and a significant 10.4% year on year drop – to below 534,000 copies.

The Daily Star Sunday was down 2.8% period on period but managed to increase its circulation over the year – up 2.1%.  Its total now stands at over 354,000 copies.

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