
ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2010

ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: October 2010

UK Daily National Newspapers

Daily Newspaper Market

Circulation figures failed to pick up in October, with the daily newspaper market posting a higher fall than September’s 5.3% drop.

The total daily market suffered a 5.7% year on year decline during the month.


National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2010

Daily Titles Oct-09 Sep-10 Oct-10 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 767,894 659,445 655,006 -112,888 -14.7 -4,439 -0.7
Financial Times 412,854 390,228 401,898 -10,956 -2.7 11,670 3.0
Guardian 311,878 278,129 276,428 -35,450 -11.4 -1,701 -0.6
Independent 187,047 182,776 182,412 -4,635 -2.5 -364 -0.2
Times 571,783 486,868 479,107 -92,676 -16.2 -7,761 -1.6
Mid Market
Daily Express 698,008 659,650 642,695 -55,313 -7.9 -16,955 -2.6
Daily Mail 2,157,085 2,144,229 2,129,328 -27,757 -1.3 -14,901 -0.7
Daily Mirror 1,295,972 1,213,323 1,215,081 -80,891 -6.2 1,758 0.1
Daily Record 339,226 323,974 320,736 -18,490 -5.5 -3,238 -1.0
Daily Star 836,556 864,315 793,487 -43,069 -5.1 -70,828 -8.2
Sun 3,026,556 2,974,405 2,904,180 -122,376 -4.0 -70,225 -2.4
Total Daily 10,604,859 10,177,342 10,000,358 -604,501 -5.7 -176,984 -1.7

Quality Daily Titles

  • Three of the five broadsheets suffered fairly hefty YoY percentage drops in October – the Daily Telegraph; the Guardian; and The Times.
  • The Independent saw a slight YoY and PoP decline and remains the lowest selling title in the category.
  • The Financial Times also posted a small YoY drop but managed to increase sales by 3% PoP.


Mid-Market Daily Titles

  • The Daily Express suffered the highest percentage declines out of the two mid-market titles.
  • Despite posting both YoY and PoP falls, the Daily Mail retains a healthy circulation of more than 2.1 million copies.


Popular Daily Titles

  • All but one of the titles in the red-top sector recorded YoY and PoP declines in October.
  • Once again, the Daily Mirror posted the biggest YoY percentage loss, although The Sun lost the most sales (over 122,300 copies)
  • There is little change in the positioning of the tabloids, with the Daily Record still sitting at the bottom of the market and The Sun dominating the top spot with 2.9 million copies.


Sunday Newspaper Market

The picture was much the same in the Sunday market, with all titles recording YoY declines in October.

There were also PoP losses across the board, although the Mail on Sunday and the Sunday Mirror managed to buck the trend with PoP increases.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2010

Sunday Titles Oct-09 Sep-10 Oct-10 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 156,805 155,174 154,367 -2,438 -1.6 -807 -0.5
Observer 366,918 325,502 313,466 -53,452 -14.6 -12,036 -3.7
Sunday Times 1,192,464 1,091,869 1,058,333 -134,131 -11.2 -33,536 -3.1
Sunday Telegraph 588,469 507,860 506,391 -82,078 -13.9 -1,469 -0.3
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday. 2,116,114 1,969,990 2,037,232 -78,882 -3.7 67,242 3.4
Sunday Express 614,040 560,273 551,159 -62,881 -10.2 -9,114 -1.6
Daily Star Sunday. 364,667 371,457 347,642 -17,025 -4.7 -23,815 -6.4
News Of The World 3,064,672 2,948,328 2,812,005 -252,667 -8.2 -136,323 -4.6
People 552,163 532,420 508,496 -43,667 -7.9 -23,924 -4.5
Sunday Mirror 1,207,051 1,126,053 1,133,256 -73,795 -6.1 7,203 0.6
Total Sunday 10,223,363 9,588,926 9,422,347 -801,016 -7.8 -166,579 -1.7

Quality Sunday Titles

  • All of the Sunday broadsheets suffered substantial YoY losses during the month, with the exception of the Independent on Sunday, which dipped just 1.6%.
  • The Sunday Times lost the most sales (134,000), although still remains the most popular title in the sector with a total of more than one million copies.
  • In terms of percentages, the Observer saw the highest YoY drop (14.6%).


Mid-Market Sunday Titles

  • The Mail on Sunday managed to retain a healthy circulation of more than two million copies after recording a 3.4% PoP increase.
  • In contrast, the Sunday Express suffered a fairly substantial fall over the year, taking it down to around 551,000 copies.


Popular Sunday Titles

  • The Sunday Mirror was the only title in the tabloid sector to post an increase, up just 0.6% PoP.  It remains in second place in the category with 1.1 million total copies.
  • In terms of sales, News of the World saw the biggest drop, losing 253,000 copies.  However, it is still able to boast the top Sunday spot with a total of more than 2.8 million.
  • The People and the Daily Star Sunday lag a fair way behind the red-top leaders, with totals of around 500,000 and 348,000 respectively.


National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2010 – Oct 2010

Daily Titles May 09 – Oct 09 Apr 10 – Sep 10 May 10 – Oct 10 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Daily Telegraph 812,906 678,252 673,858 -139,048 -17.1 -4,394 -0.6
Financial Times 406,185 387,438 389,834 -16,351 -4.0 2,396 0.6
Guardian 323,393 283,597 281,670 -41,723 -12.9 -1,927 -0.7
Independent 192,383 186,322 185,438 -6,945 -3.6 -884 -0.5
Times 580,324 501,070 496,732 -83,592 -14.4 -4,338 -0.9
Mid Market
Daily Express 721,111 664,581 660,976 -60,135 -8.3 -3,605 -0.5
Daily Mail 2,177,600 2,118,819 2,123,886 -53,714 -2.5 5,067 0.2
Daily Mirror 1,321,044 1,235,559 1,231,726 -89,318 -6.8 -3,833 -0.3
Daily Record 344,624 326,780 325,214 -19,410 -5.6 -1,566 -0.5
Daily Star 865,388 837,748 833,017 -32,371 -3.7 -4,731 -0.6
Sun 3,063,667 2,983,240 2,974,939 -88,728 -2.9 -8,301 -0.3
Total Daily 10,808,625 10,203,406 10,177,290 -631,335 -5.8 -26,116 -0.3

National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2010 – Oct 2010

Sunday Titles May 09 – Oct 09 Apr 10 – Sep 10 May 10 – Oct 10 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Independent On Sunday. 160,621 159,232 157,112 -3,509 -2.2 -2,120 -1.3
Observer 389,123 324,786 321,967 -67,156 -17.3 -2,819 -0.9
Sunday Times 1,194,417 1,093,726 1,081,919 -112,498 -9.4 -11,807 -1.1
Sunday Telegraph 604,303 508,563 507,985 -96,318 -15.9 -578 -0.1
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday. 2,049,816 1,949,244 1,957,544 -92,272 -4.5 8,300 0.4
Sunday Express 633,608 568,491 564,927 -68,681 -10.8 -3,564 -0.6
Daily Star Sunday. 386,247 363,259 363,176 -23,071 -6.0 -83 -0.0
News Of The World 3,062,851 2,883,890 2,869,463 -193,388 -6.3 -14,427 -0.5
People 578,259 530,500 527,173 -51,086 -8.8 -3,327 -0.6
Sunday Mirror 1,230,638 1,139,982 1,141,394 -89,244 -7.3 1,412 0.1
Total Sunday 10,289,883 9,521,673 9,492,660 -797,223 -7.7 -29,013 -0.3

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