
ABC October 2013: Daily Mail and Sun record declines

ABC October 2013: Daily Mail and Sun record declines

Few national newspapers saw any growth in October, with the largest increase in circulation belonging to the Observer at just 2.3%, according to the latest ABC national newspaper round-up.

Daily titles

In the quality market, it was only the Financial Times and Guardian that recorded any growth, though change was minimal, with the papers seeing a 0.4% and 0.6% rise in circulation, respectively. However, over the year, the Financial Times has dropped in circulation by over 50,000 – significantly more than any other newspaper in the quality market.

Down -1.2%, the Times lost almost 4,600 copies over the month, however suffered a much greater loss year on year, down -3.6% and losing 14,400 copies.

The mid-market shared similar results, with both the Daily Express and Daily Mail down (-2% and -1.4%, respectively). The Daily Mail came off worse out of the two, dropping in circulation by almost 25,000 over the month, and just over 113,000 on this time last year.

In the popular market, the Sun dropped in circulation by a substantial 62,444 in October, and an even bigger 234,300 over the year – marking it as the daily title to see the biggest loss both month on month and year on year.

All other titles in the popular market were down, and overall, the daily titles decreased their monthly circulation by -1.7% over the month, and -7.3% over the year.

London Free Press

The London Free Press fared slightly better as it celebrated a small monthly gain overall, up 1.1% – an extra 16,600 copies combined.

While City A.M. was down -3.7% month on month, both the London Evening Standard and Metro (London) were up, with ESI Media’s title adding over 14,000 copies to its circulation in October.

Sunday titles

The Sunday titles mirrored the dailies in October, with the majority seeing no growth at all.

There was marginally better news for the quality market, however, with just the Independent on Sunday recording a monthly decrease in circulation at -1.1%.

Despite all titles seeing decreases in circulation over the year, the Sunday Times netted an extra 13,100 copies over the month, followed by the Observer at just over 5,200.

There were no monthly or yearly increases to report in the mid-market, with the greatest month on month loss belonging to the Sunday Express at 11,700, and the biggest year on year loss belonging to the Mail on Sunday at almost 111,000.

The popular market saw the Sun on Sunday lose almost 35,000 copies over the month – almost 200,000 over the year – while the Sunday Mirror followed closely behind with a monthly drop in circulation of 32,160.

Overall, the Sunday titles were down -1.4% month on month and -8.3% year on year.

National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2013
Daily Titles Oct-12 Sep-13 Oct-13 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 8,564,139 8,076,658 7,943,203 -620,936 -7.3 -133,455 -1.7
Daily Telegraph 560,471 550,023 549,068 -11,403 -2.0 -955 -0.2
Financial Times 293,326 241,884 242,873 -50,453 -17.2 989 0.4
Guardian 202,675 197,542 198,803 -3,872 -1.9 1,261 0.6
i 304,691 296,699 296,573 -8,118 -2.7 -126 -0.0
Independent 80,001 69,388 69,055 -10,946 -13.7 -333 -0.5
Scotsman 33,071 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Times 403,770 393,978 389,379 -14,391 -3.6 -4,599 -1.2
Mid Market
Daily Express 533,451 524,944 514,217 -19,234 -3.6 -10,727 -2.0
Daily Mail 1,866,701 1,777,780 1,753,489 -113,212 -6.1 -24,291 -1.4
Daily Mirror 1,064,292 1,025,970 1,014,439 -49,853 -4.7 -11,531 -1.1
Daily Record 268,738 246,615 242,441 -26,297 -9.8 -4,174 -1.7
Daily Star 568,057 538,751 522,226 -45,831 -8.1 -16,525 -3.1
Sun 2,384,895 2,213,084 2,150,640 -234,255 -9.8 -62,444 -2.8




London Free Press ABC Figures – Aug 2013
London Free Press Oct-12 Sep-13 Oct-13 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total London Press 1,615,979 1,579,565 1,596,207 -19,772 -1.2 16,642 1.1
City A.M 129,297 127,334 122,683 -6,614 -5.1 -4,651 -3.7
London Evening Standard 699,338 686,440 700,520 1,182 0.2 14,080 2.1
Metro (London) 787,344 765,791 773,004 -14,340 -1.8 7,213 0.9


National Newspaper ABC Figures – Oct 2013
Sunday Titles Oct-12 Sep-13 Oct-13 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 8,507,511 7,912,506 7,803,735 -703,776 -8.3 -108,771 -1.4
Independent On Sunday 119,822 109,901 108,719 -11,103 -9.3 -1,182 -1.1
Observer 238,015 223,948 229,183 -8,832 -3.7 5,235 2.3
Scotland on Sunday. 40,085 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sunday Times 903,728 823,696 836,822 -66,906 -7.4 13,126 1.6
Sunday Telegraph 445,229 440,388 443,082 -2,147 -0.5 2,694 0.6
Mid Market
Mail On Sunday 1,750,408 1,644,864 1,639,669 -110,739 -6.3 -5,195 -0.3
Sunday Express 489,143 464,358 452,646 -36,497 -7.5 -11,712 -2.5
Sunday Post 267,971 242,037 237,182 -30,789 -11.5 -4,855 -2.0
Daily Star Sunday. 389,079 350,431 329,014 -60,065 -15.4 -21,417 -6.1
Sunday People 453,778 414,969 402,703 -51,075 -11.3 -12,266 -3.0
Sun (Sunday) 2,037,515 1,876,476 1,841,589 -195,926 -9.6 -34,887 -1.9
Sunday Mail 308,350 283,493 277,343 -31,007 -10.1 -6,150 -2.2
Sunday Mirror 1,064,388 1,037,945 1,005,783 -58,605 -5.5 -32,162 -3.1




National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2013 – Oct 2013
Daily Titles May 12 – Oct 12 Apr 13 – Sep 13 May 13 – Oct 13 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Daily 8,814,253 8,168,665 8,123,748 -690,505 -7.8 -44,917 -0.5
Daily Telegraph 572,119 551,218 551,210 -20,909 -3.7 -8 -0.0
Financial Times 291,619 250,533 246,982 -44,637 -15.3 -3,551 -1.4
Guardian 207,861 192,265 192,728 -15,133 -7.3 463 0.2
i 282,578 301,258 300,044 17,466 6.2 -1,214 -0.4
Independent 85,052 72,238 71,233 -13,819 -16.2 -1,005 -1.4
Scotsman 34,816 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Times 403,102 395,010 393,449 -9,653 -2.4 -1,561 -0.4
Mid Market
Daily Express 564,093 527,093 524,958 -39,135 -6.9 -2,135 -0.4
Daily Mail 1,909,441 1,793,116 1,785,365 -124,076 -6.5 -7,751 -0.4
Daily Mirror 1,078,153 1,038,565 1,034,249 -43,904 -4.1 -4,316 -0.4
Daily Record 275,631 252,006 249,798 -25,833 -9.4 -2,208 -0.9
Daily Star 597,618 539,578 538,358 -59,260 -9.9 -1,220 -0.2
Sun 2,512,170 2,255,785 2,235,374 -276,796 -11.0 -20,411 -0.9
National Newspaper ABC Figures – May 2013 – Oct 2013
Sunday Titles May 12 – Oct 12 Apr 13 – Sep 13 May 13 – Oct 13 YoY Actual Change YoY % Change PoP Actual Change PoP % Change
Total Sunday 8,773,278 7,952,588 7,919,115 -854,163 -9.7 -33,473 -0.4
Independent On Sunday 121,740 112,177 111,320 -10,420 -8.6 -857 -0.8
Observer 243,833 219,891 220,686 -23,147 -9.5 795 0.4
Scotland on Sunday. 42,952 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Sunday Times 913,506 842,523 835,496 -78,010 -8.5 -7,027 -0.8
Sunday Telegraph 451,366 429,600 433,014 -18,352 -4.1 3,414 0.8
Mid Market
Sunday Express 502,949 464,935 463,834 -39,115 -7.8 -1,101 -0.2
Mail On Sunday 1,788,107 1,663,877 1,654,906 -133,201 -7.4 -8,971 -0.5
Sunday Post 272,591 240,457 240,634 -31,957 -11.7 177 0.1
Daily Star Sunday. 440,941 339,306 339,152 -101,789 -23.1 -154 -0.0
Sunday People 456,260 418,239 415,416 -40,844 -9.0 -2,823 -0.7
Sun (Sunday) 2,140,246 1,894,116 1,883,847 n/a n/a -10,269 -0.5
Sunday Mail 312,896 286,544 284,198 -28,698 -9.2 -2,346 -0.8
Sunday Mirror 1,085,891 1,040,923 1,036,612 -49,279 -4.5 -4,311 -0.4

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