
ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Soap Mags Boost Circulation Whilst What’s On TV Retains Top TV Spot

ABC Results Jul-Dec 2006:Soap Mags Boost Circulation Whilst What’s On TV Retains Top TV Spot

TV Listings Mags IPC Media’s What’s On TV magazine retained the top spot in its sector, despite a 4.3% year on year drop in circulation.

According to today’s ABC concurrent release for July to December 2006, the TV listings title now holds a figure of more than 1.4 million issues, down 65,327 year on year and almost 5% period on period.

The magazine recently announced that it was to launch a service on the Vodafone live!, O2 Active and Orange World portals, to take the brand to millions of mobile users (see What’s On TV Expands Mobile Service), whilst the publication gained a new website at the start of this year (see What’s On TV To Launch New Website).

TV Choice proved successful for publisher H Bauer, boasting an 11.6% year on year increase, 5.1% period on period, to leave its total circulation at more than 1.3 million. Third-placed in the sector, the Radio Times, now holds a circulation of almost 1.1 million, a decline of 1.1% year on year but an increase of the same period on period.

TV Quick and TV Times saw a downturn in their total figures, with TV Quick losing almost 40,000 editions year on year. The title’s circulation fell by 6.1% period on period and it now records a total of nearly 250,000. TV Times dropped 30,405 year on year, 7.5%, despite a 1.3% boost period on period. The IPC title now boasts a circulation of 377,473.

Other IPC title, TV Easy, pushed its circulation up 3.1% year on year, or 8,723 in real terms, despite a 2.7% period on period decline, to leave its total at just over 293,000. The publisher’s TV & Satellite Week remained fairly static year on year, with a 2.1% period on period fall. The title now commands a circulation of just over 207,000.

TV Listings Magazines: Jul-Dec 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Co Jul-Dec 05 Jul-Dec 06 Actual Change % Ch
Radio Times BBC Worldwide Ltd 1,093,850 1,082,338 -11,512 -1.1
Total TV Guide H Bauer Publishing 92,004 109,501 17,497 19.0
TV & Satellite Week IPC Media Ltd 207,119 207,327 208 0.1
TV Choice H Bauer Publishing 1,212,246 1,353,436 141,190 11.6
TV Easy IPC Media Ltd 284,602 293,325 8,723 3.1
TV Now! Minjara Ltd 37,968 36,124 -1,844 -4.9
TV Quick H Bauer Publishing 285,733 246,181 -39,552 -13.8
TV Times IPC Media Ltd 407,878 377,473 -30,405 -7.5
What’s On TV IPC Media Ltd 1,502,977 1,437,650 -65,327 -4.3

All soap related magazines recorded an upturn in their circulation for the period July to December 2006, with IPC’s Soaplife seeing the most dramatic increase.

The title pushed its circulation up almost 16% year on year, or 5.4% period on period. The publication’s total ABC figure now rests at around 97,500 copies.

Hachette Filipacchi’s All About Soap also grew. The title was up 11.3% year on year, more than 4% period on period, to leave its circulation at 78,061.

Other Hachette offering in the sector, Inside Soap, also increased its total. The magazine rose 3.4% year on year, and 3.6% period on period, to reveal a total ABC of 189,183.

Soap Magazines: Jul-Dec 2006 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publishing Company Jul-Dec 05 Jul-Dec 06 Actual Change % Change
All About Soap Hachette Filipacchi 70,118 78,061 7,943 11.3
Inside Soap Hachette Filipacchi 183,026 189,183 6,157 3.4
Soaplife IPC Media Ltd 84,296 97,540 13,244 15.7

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Thursday 15 February 2007. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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