
ABC Results Jul-Dec 2007: Q Magazine Stays Top Of Declining Music Market

ABC Results Jul-Dec 2007: Q Magazine Stays Top Of Declining Music Market

Music Magazines Q magazine remained top of the music mags despite a decline of almost 9,000 copies year on year for July to December 2007, according to the latest ABC data.

The title, which was recently acquired by Bauer Consumer Media, now reports a figure of 131,300, which was actually up just under 1% period on period.

IPC’s NME was also down by almost 9,000 copies year on year. This was a 12.3% decline year on year and a 6% fall period on period, despite a redesign in July (see NME Undergoes Redesign To Boost Circulation).

The title, which now reports a total circulation of around 64,000 for the period, is moving the brand into radio and television platforms in a bid to expand the title (see NME To Launch Radio Station).

Uncut dropped over 2,500 issues year on year, an almost 3% fall, but was up 6% period on period to a total of over 91,000.

Free mag The Fly was down by over 5,500 year on year to just over 103,000, whilst dance title, Mixmag, now reports a total of almost 36,000 copies after an 8.2% year on year and 3.6% period on period decline.

Kerrang! and Mojo also recorded significant real term declines for the period. The heavier rock title, Kerrang!, dropped almost 10% year on year, taking it down to almost 77,000, whilst classic rock publication, Mojo, reports an ABC of over 106,000, a 7% year on year downturn.

However, against the trend, Future’s Classic Rock managed to see its circulation rise, from 62,699 in July to December 2006 to 67,399 for July to December 2007.

Music Magazines: Jul-Dec 2007 Year On Year Comparisons
Title Publisher Jul-Dec 06 Jul-Dec 07 Actual Change % Ch
Classic Rock Future Publishing 62,699 67,399 4,700 7.5
The Fly Channelfly Enterprises Ltd 108,683 103,051 -5,632 -5.2
Kerrang! Bauer Consumer Media 85,377 76,937 -8,440 -9.9
Metal Hammer Future Publishing 48,977 45,809 -3,168 -6.5
Mixmag Development Hell Ltd 39,017 35,817 -3,200 -8.2
Mojo Bauer Consumer Media 114,183 106,218 -7,965 -7.0
NME IPC Ignite 73,008 64,033 -8,975 -12.3
Q Bauer Consumer Media 140,282 131,330 -8,952 -6.4
Rock Sound IXO Publishing 23,031 23,021 -10 -0.0
RWD RWD Media Ltd 30,687 33,266 n/a n/a
Uncut IPC Ignite 93,678 91,028 -2,650 -2.8

The figures listed in NewsLine’s ABC reports are those reported by the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) as at Friday 15 February 2008. Late submissions and changes may be made after this date, and will thereafter be amended in MediaTel’s Press database.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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