
ABCe publishes first ever Bluetooth audit certificate

ABCe publishes first ever Bluetooth audit certificate

ABCe Logo Bluepod Media has become the first ever mobile marketing agency to release an ABCe Bluetooth campaign audit certificate.

The certificate was issued for a film promotional campaign by Warner Bros Entertainment UK, to help launch movie comedy The Hangover.

The campaign, delivered in Bluepod Media’s bar network, featured the film’s trailer and was sent to mobiles via Bluetooth between 15 – 21 June 2009. The activity was measured from five locations in the London area and verified by ABCe to the industry-agreed standards and metrics agreed by JICWEBS.

ABCe audited the following three metrics for Bluetooth campaign:

  • Unique Bluetooth devices: the mandatory metric for a Bluetooth audit which measured the number of devices that successfully accepted the trailer
  • Bluetooth Downloads: the total number of times the trailer was downloaded
  • Exposed Bluetooth Devices: the total number of devices detected during the campaign period

Richard Foan, managing director, ABCe, said: “We are delighted that Bluepod Media has become the first Mobile Marketing Agency to complete a Bluetooth audit with us.

“In doing so, Bluepod Media has demonstrated the importance they place in providing Bluetooth data which is accountable, transparent and verified independently by a third party to industry-agreed standards, delivered by ABCe and JICWEBS.”

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