
ActionAid introduces ‘Save. For Real’ button to Pinterest

ActionAid introduces ‘Save. For Real’ button to Pinterest

In a first for the platform, ActionAid has turned Pinterest’s “Save” button, traditionally used to save ideas and images to your boards, to a “Save. For Real” button to drive donations and awareness.

ActionAid Italia and We Are Social Milan coordinated the campaign and the charity will feature on Pinterest’s “Today” section with images from its child sponsorship programme and the “Save. For Real” button (pictured above).

The button will take users to ActionAid’s own Pinterest board where content showing its work and giving options to donate to provide clean water, nutritious food and education for a child will be shown.

This activation coincides with International Day of Human Solidarity today.

According to ActionAid figures, the organisation helps more than five million people in 46 countries globally and more than 105,000 children in countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America receive support from its sponsorship scheme.

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