
Ad execs say TV video ads are more effective than online

Ad execs say TV video ads are more effective than online

89% of advertising executives think that television video advertising is more effective than online video advertising, according to research from Placemedia.

The 2013 Advertisers Survey – which surveyed 264 advertising executives across the US – also revealed that 88% of respondents believe that there are stronger benefits in TV advertising, including better delivery of a message that relates to their viewers’ interests (57%), more effective use of advertising resources (42%), better use of ad dollars (42%) and increased ROI (38%).

Additionally, when measuring the impact of television and online video among consumers, advertising professionals said that TV video impressions are more valuable than online – not only when brands need a wide variety of people to see it, but also when creating anticipation for an event.

When it came to small businesses, 95% of ad execs felt that video advertisements on cable or broadcast TV are highly effective. However, an overwhelming 97% said that there is something keeping small businesses from buying advertisements for broadcast or cable, with cost being the main reason (89%), followed by difficulty producing videos (42%) and complexity (22%).

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