
AdMedia Discovers Optimism Amongst Ad Execs

AdMedia Discovers Optimism Amongst Ad Execs

In its eighth annual survey of senior executives at leading advertising and markting organisations, AdMedia Partners found evidence of optimism amongst the execs when asked about the outlook for the industry.

Advertising and marketing executives from across the US were questioned: 45% from newspapers; 44% from interactive media; 39% from business-to-business publications; 36% from exhibitions/trade shows; 30% from information publishing; 26% from consumer magazines; 19% from professional publications, 18% from books and 17% from broadcasting, including radio and television.

Ninety percent of those surveyed predict that ad spending will bounce back before the end of 2002, with the majority saying the comeback will occur by the third quarter.

Additionally, the majority of respondents expect that the media M&A marketplace will grow in comparison to activity in 2001. 57% of respondents believe that M&A activity among traditional media companies will increase over 2001 although 18% expect it to decrease further.

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