
AdSense research reveals the power of magazine advertising

AdSense research reveals the power of magazine advertising

Research launched today by IPC Media has found that magazines drive consumers towards purchase, are highly engaging and trusted, and are the medium most likely to hold consumers’ sole attention.

The study, AdSense, sought to test the effectiveness of magazine advertising and understand its role in the overall media mix. 13 brands across six categories were included in the project.

AdSense evaluated two different advertisements for each brand and analysed the impact the ads had on consumers.

The study found that magazines are highly engaging, with 49% of respondents turning to magazines for “me time” and 45% in order to treat themselves.

AdSense also discovered that regardless of the age of the consumer, magazines are trusted. Here are some of the findings:

  • 18% of all magazine readers said they trust magazine advertising and among heavy magazine readers this rises to 24%
  • Overall, magazine ads are 80% more likely to be trusted than those in newspapers and 125% more trusted that radio ads

The study also looked at the action that consumers took after seeing a campaign in a magazine. AdSense discovered that:

  • 46% of women were more likely to purchase a product that they’ve seen advertised in a magazine
  • 14% actually purchased the brand advertised
  • 10% had recommended the brand
  • Nearly one in five (18%) had talked about the brand

AdSense found that magazines are an ideal partner for cross-media campaigns, and when magazine advertising is used alongside online or TV, brand recall and understanding is increased. Of those surveyed:

  • 56% remembered the brand more after seeing both online and magazine ads
  • 61% were more likely to remember the brand after seeing magazine and TV advertising

Director of IPC Insight, Amanda Wigginton commented on the research: “AdSense is the largest study of this kind that IPC has undertaken in over 17 years and proves that magazines generate results.

“As well as driving purchase, our study found that magazines prompt other actions, including encouraging footfall in-store, driving traffic to brand websites as well as in-store trials and online searches.

“The results confirm that not only is magazine advertising incredibly effective on its own, but also that it is an important element in cross-media campaigns.”

Your Comments

Thursday, 12 July 2012, 21:16 GMT

A truth well told.

Ken Lipka
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