
Advertising Association Figures Reveal Extent Of 2001 Decline

Advertising Association Figures Reveal Extent Of 2001 Decline

Total UK advertising expenditure for categories covered in the Advertising Association’s Quarterly Survey fell 3.2% to £13.8bn during 2001, having seen a year on year fall of 6.9% or £263m in the final quarter.

Annual Adspend By Medium 
  £ Million  Annual % Change 
  2000  2001  2000  2001 
National Newspapers* 2,252 2,071 13.1 -8
Regional Newspapers 2,762 2,834 11.2 2.6
Consumer Magazines** 750 779 3.1 3.9
Business Magazines 1,270 1,202 6.3 -5.4
Television 3,950 3,525 7.5 -10.7
Radio 536 487 15.4 -9.1
Outdoor 697 677 17 -2.8
Direct Mail 2,049 2,228 9.2 8.7
Total  14,265  13,803  9.7  -3.2 
* includes supplements ** excludes supplements
Source: Advertising Association, 12.03.02
National newspapers was among several large categories which saw falls for both the fourth quarter of the year and the year as a whole. Q4 expenditure was down 17.5% year on year, while the sector saw a drop of 8% for 2001 as a whole, to just over £2bn. Business magazines were down 11% for Q4 and down 5.4% over the year to £1.2bn, whilst TV dropped 13% in the final quarter and 11% for the year, to £3.5bn and radio 14% for Q4 and 9% to £487m for the year, excluding sponsorship. Outdoor saw a heavy 13% fall in the final quarter and a 3% fall to £677m over the year.

Weathering the storm, regional newspapers saw no change year on year during Q4 and over the year saw a 2.6% increase in advertising expenditure to £2.8bn. Consumer magazines saw a slight decline in Q4 but managed a 4% increase to £779m over the year as a whole, while direct mail grew by 11% during the last quarter of 2001 and by 9% for the whole year, totalling £2.2bn.

The AA figures do not include internet advertising and as such the total decline for 2001 was less than many analysts had forecast (see Latest UK Ad Growth Forecasts From Zenith And AA).

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