
Advertising Spend Set For Growth

Advertising Spend Set For Growth

Newspaper advertising expenditure is set for dramatic long term growth as all economic indicators forecast a return of business and consumer confidence.

Delegates to the Newspaper Society’s annual Advertising Conference heard yesterday that Advertising Association forecasts indicate a return to health, both for display and classified advertising.

AA research advisor Mike Waterson told the conference in Eastbourne that trade press pessimism in recent months was misplaced – in both the short and long term context. “I have every reason to expect substantial real growth in advertising in the next two years, and very considerable increases in the next decade”, said Waterson.

“If the politicians succeed in keeping economic growth steady at a Germanic 3-4 per cent per annum – as opposed to the wild boom/bust cycle so prevalent over the post war period – growth in adspend levels over the next ten years will considerably outstrip that achieved in the so-called halcyon days of the last decade”.

For Further Info Contact Lynne Gardiner – 071 636 7014

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