
Aegis Sees North America Ad Recovery, But Variable Europe

Aegis Sees North America Ad Recovery, But Variable Europe

There is continued recovery in the North American advertising market, whilst Europe remains variable, according to Aegis Group chairman, Lord Sharman.

Speaking at the advertising network’s AGM this morning, he said that the first fourth months of the year have seen a continuation of the ‘patchy but gradual’ recovery experienced in the latter part of 2002.

The strong TV upfronts in the US (see US Upfronts Hit Record $9bn-Plus Autumn Sales), along with the end of the war in Iraq, have both contributed to a ‘firming’ of client spending plans there, says Aegis.

Advertising and research spending activity in Europe, which showed weak signs of recovery in some markets in late 2002 and the early part of 2003, remains variable with improvements in some markets offset by weakness in others.

The Asia Pacific region remains buoyant, with Aegis seeing strong media and market research revenues in the first four months.

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