
Allen Is ITV’s ‘Architect Of Decline’ Says Billetts Boss

Allen Is ITV’s ‘Architect Of Decline’ Says Billetts Boss

Charles Allen ITV chief executive Charles Allen was today branded as the broadcaster’s “architect of decline” in an open letter from John Billett, chairman of consulting and auditing company Billets.

The letter from Billett to Campaign magazine paints the ITV boss in a very poor light, stating that his preoccupation with revenues has led to a decline in quality of ITV’s output, resulting in poor results for viewers and advertisers alike.

“ITV dominates the UK television market” Billett writes, “yet Allen bemoans how the Contract Rights Renewal (CRR) mechanism is strangling ITV1, forgetting to mention the millions of pounds that are flooding back into ITV via ITV2, 3 and now 4.”

Billett also lambasts Allen for failing to reinvest the savings made during ITV’s merger last year. “These savings have been used for ITB’s corporate benefit and not for better programmes to benefit advertisers” Billett claims.

In a thinly veiled call for Allen’s resignation, Billett went on to state that those surrounding ITV, including former employees, advertisers, rival broadcasters and even industry regulator Ofcom, are pleased with the workings of CRR and that the ITV chief’s “judgment in becoming isolated, fighting an unwinnable battle, should now be questioned by shareholders.”

Comparing ITV’s performance to that of Channel 4, Billett’s letter points out the gross differences between two broadcasters in essentially the same situation.

“Channel 4, with smaller funds, is maintaining its audience share and improving its audience profile. If Charles Allen were to embrace the best interests of advertisers, he would find this is the best service he can provide for his investors.”

Billetts: 020 7321 4000 www.billetts.com ITV: 020 7843 8000 www.itv.com

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