
Almost 20% Of European Net Users Are Over 55

Almost 20% Of European Net Users Are Over 55

Nearly one-fifth of Europeans aged 55 years and over now have access to the internet, according to new figures from Forrester Research.

The 19% penetration equates to 15.5 million European seniors and represents a 50% growth in the last two and a half years, up from 9.9 million users in 2000.

The increase comes mainly from the younger end of the age group, aged 55-64 years. Currently, French and Spanish seniors’ reluctance to use the web is holding back European growth, according to Forrester.

European Online Users Aged 55+ 
  2000  2002 
Number Of Users (million) 9.9 15.5
Online penetration (%) 12 19
Source: Forrester Research, March 2003 

An analysis of web usage reveals that viewing stock market information and looking at weather forecasts are both used more heavily by seniors than the all European users average, as shown below.

On the other hand, fewer seniors use the web for buying goods and services, with just 4% having made a purchase in the last three months, as compared to an 11% average.

Seniors’ Web Usage 
  All Europeans  Seniors  Index 
View stock market prices 13% 16% 1.23
Look up weather information 19% 23% 1.21
Visit government agency sites 21% 24% 1.14
Research holiday destinations 38% 43% 1.13
Financial transactions 19% 20% 1.05
Send email 82% 79% 0.96
Email/manage/store digital photos 16% 15% 0.94
Use reference sites 21% 19% 0.90
Research products 59% 50% 0.85
Randomly surf the web 48% 35% 0.73
Use online banking 17% 7% 0.41
Bought online in last 3 months 11% 4% 0.36
Source: Forrester Research, March 2003 

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