
Almost 70% consider purchasing a foreign decoder to watch football

Almost 70% consider purchasing a foreign decoder to watch football

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In a Toluna QuickSurveys and Newsline poll of 558 football fans in the UK (337 with a Sky subscription and 239 with ESPN), 69% admit that they would consider buying a foreign decoder card to watch football.

Of the 558 respondents – 395 of who go to the pub to watch football at least sometimes – 317 (57%) say football is one of the reasons they have a Sky subscription.

When asked whether they would consider cancelling their Sky and/or ESPN subscription, if they could get football from somewhere else, 18.6% (104) said they would cancel both; 9% (50) would cancel Sky Sports and 13.8% (77) would cancel their full Sky subscription.

However, a larger group of people (over 28%) were unsure if they would cancel and just over 26% (140 people) said they wouldn’t cancel their subscriptions.

When asked whether they would try and buy a foreign decoder card to watch football on TV, 138 answered Yes, definitely (25%); 247 admitted that they might (44%); while 173 said no (31%).

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Toluna Question

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