
Almost 90% Of UK Population Will Use A Mobile By 2007, Says Report

Almost 90% Of UK Population Will Use A Mobile By 2007, Says Report

The number of mobile phone subscribers in the UK is set to hit 53 million by 2007, reaching 88% of the population, according to forecasts from The Research Room.

This will place the UK mobile market as the third largest in western Europe, behind Germany with 67.6 million users and Italy with 54.1 million.

The figures for 2003 also put these countries in the top three positions: Germany has 60.3 million mobile subs, Italy has 52.4 million and the UK has 50.7 million, as shown.

Western European Mobile Subscriber Forecasts (000s) 
  2002  2003  2004  2005  2006  2007 
Austria 6,620 6,712 6,794 6,968 7,076 7,138
Belgium 7,432 7,611 7,873 8,112 8,212 8,286
Denmark 3,921 4,262 4,463 4,615 4,739 4,788
Finland 4,454 4,579 4,640 4,706 4,772 4,808
France 36,452 38,197 40,393 41,815 44,612 45,322
Germany 56,722 60,308 62,815 64,701 66,826 67,615
Greece 8,482 8,632 8,762 8,991 9,150 9,188
Iceland 259 263 267 268 272 273
Ireland 3,030 3,218 3,320 3,388 3,469 3,553
Italy 51,489 52,369 52,911 53,217 53,942 54,101
Luxembourg 469 475 479 482 486 487
Netherlands 11,785 11,920 12,073 12,391 12,668 12,771
Norway 3,522 3,640 3,762 3,847 3,950 3,983
Portugal 9,115 9,172 9,198 9,213 9,304 9,310
Spain 32,740 33,424 33,808 33,832 34,441 34,590
Sweden 7,852 8,086 8,107 8,094 8,164 8,183
Switzerland 5,648 5,781 5,923 6,028 6,173 6,215
UK 49,339 50,733 51,506 51,962 52,808 53,377
UK Penetration (%)  82.5  84.7  85.8  86.3  87.5  88.3 
Source: The Research Room, August 2003 

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