According to comScore, US internet users viewed over 4.3 billion video ads in June 2010.
Video adverts reached 46.1% of the US population, at an average of 31.5 times during the month.
Hulu generated the highest number of ad views, with 566 million.
It also delivered the highest frequency of video adverts to viewers, averaging 24.2 adverts per viewer during the month of June, and reaching 7.8% of the US population.
In second place, Tremor Media Video Network had 524 million ad views, and was the highest ranking video ad network. It also reached 21.4& of the US population. However, it only averaged a monthly frequency of 8.2 adverts per viewer.
This was followed by BrightRoll Video Network, with 333 million ad views, and Microsoft Sites with 222 million.
This follows on from reports that 55% of US online video users think that video ads are at least as acceptable as television ads.