
Analysts Forecast Deepening Woes For Adspend As May Figures Are Released

Analysts Forecast Deepening Woes For Adspend As May Figures Are Released

ABN Amro reports today that the latest UK data shows a drop in advertising spend for May of 10.1% year on year, mainly due to falls in TV, Radio and Newspaper advertising.

The most worrying aspect of the May decline is that in terms of year on year comparisons, May ought to have been an easier month that April. Revenues from advertising still dropped by 10.1% in May whilst the April drop was 7.6% strengthening the argument that that the decline is less cyclical that previously hoped (see Forecasts).

UK growth by media

  May-01 Apr-01 Q1 2001 2001 YTD
TV -13.3 -10.4 -3.8 -7.3
Radio -12.7 -12.4 1.5 -4.6
Magazines -0.9 1.5 9.1 5.1
Newspapers -12.1 -12.8 8.1 -0.7
Outdoor -11.4 9.7 27 12.9
Cinema 54.1 75.5 52.9 58.1
Total  -10.1  -7.6  2.7  -2.4 

Source: ACNielsen, RAB, ABN Amro estimates – June 2001

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