
Annie Rickard departs Posterscope

Annie Rickard departs Posterscope

Annie Rickard has decided to step down from her global roles as Posterscope global president and MKTG global chairman.

Rickard founded Posterscope in 1982, and has grown it into a global network with 57 offices around the world.

Stephen Whyte, CEO of Posterscope UK, will assume additional responsibility for Posterscope Worldwide as global president.

“Annie has created a tremendous business in Posterscope which has redefined out-of-home media through its investment in data, technology and people,” said Jerry Buhlman, CEO Dentsu Aegis Network, Posterscope’s parent company.

“Annie’s entrepreneurial spirit and leadership has been the driving force behind this growth and success and Annie leaves Posterscope as the clear market leader.”

Rickard commented: “I have had an amazing career but it’s time for me to leave Posterscope in the very capable hands of Stephen Whyte who will deliver the new vision and continue the global roll out of our technology platforms.

“I am of course sad to go, but at the same time, looking forward to pursuing other interests where I feel I can make a difference.”

Stephen Whyte added: “I know I speak for everyone when I say that we will miss Annie enormously, but I am delighted to be taking on the global leadership role at such an exciting time of change and growth in the out-of-home and location-based marketing sector.”

Rickard will be handing over her responsibilities on 30 March 2018.

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