
Annual TV Market Round-Up – 2001

Annual TV Market Round-Up – 2001


ITV’s annus horribilis is clear to see when looking at ITV1’s revenue figures for the year. Down over £200m or 13.5% year on year to £1.7bn , the lowest point of all came in June, with a drop of 24% in revenues year on year. The only ray of hope came at the very end of the year, when December’s loss was only 5.2%.

2001 ITV1 Revenues
Month Revenue (£) 2000 Revenue (£) 2001 % Change
January 156,311,973 140,920,000 -9.8
February 151,906,909 143,030,000 -5.8
March 174,000,000 159,700,000 -8.2
April 192,930,000 156,530,000 -18.9
May 173,470,000 138,600,000 -20.1
June 168,740,000 128,210,000 -24.0
July 138,000,000 117,940,000 -14.5
August 123,340,000 115,090,000 -6.7
September 174,990,791 142,340,000 -18.7
October 181,750,000 160,190,000 -11.9
November 193,190,000 168,270,000 -12.9
December 136,870,000 129,780,000 -5.2
Total 1,965,499,673 1,700,600,000 -13.5
Source: Agency Estimates

In an analysis of the ITV franchise companies, Carlton, which saw the biggest increase in revenue share over 2000, witnessed the opposite in 2001, dropping 0.4 percentage points to 15.8%. It remained behind Central, which took the largest share of revenue over the year, despite a 0.3 percentage point drop, with 16.2%.

Average 2001 Share Of Revenue By ITV Franchise
Month Revenue (£) 2000 Revenue (£) 2001 % Change
Franchise Average 2000 Share Average 2001 Share % Point Change
Carlton 16.2 15.8 -0.4
LWT 12.2 11.9 -0.3
Central 16.5 16.2 -0.3
Granada/Border 10.2 10.1 -0.1
Yorkshire/TT 10.9 11.1 0.2
Scotland 5.9 6.2 0.3
HTV 5.6 5.8 0.2
Meridian 11.4 11.5 0.1
Anglia 7.2 7.4 0.2
W/Country 2.1 2.1 0.0
Ulster 2.0 2.0 0.0

After a good year in 2000, and a healthy first quarter to 2001, Channel 4 saw an downturn in fortunes which saw revenue decrease for the remainder of the year, which led to total revenue across 2001 being down 3.8% year on year, at just over £600m.

2001 Channel 4 Revenues
Month Revenue (£) 2000 Revenue (£) 2001 % Change
January 47,433,333 47,500,000 0.1
February 48,166,666 52,100,000 8.2
March 54,250,000 59,070,000 8.9
April 56,270,000 55,630,000 -1.1
May 54,230,000 51,200,000 -5.6
June 52,830,000 49,250,000 -6.8
July 45,370,000 43,880,000 -3.3
August 42,450,000 36,830,000 -13.2
September 58,066,666 49,840,000 -14.2
October 60,500,000 56,830,000 -6.1
November 62,600,000 59,150,000 -5.5
December 45,500,000 42,600,000 -6.4
Total 627,666,665 603,880,000 -3.8
Source: Agency Estimates

Channel 5 saw some of the most impressive year on year revenue increases during 2000, but the media downturn bit hard at the fledgling channel during 2001, and revenues over the year were down 9.2% to below £200m. The summer months proved the harshest, with revenue in July and August dropping 19% and 19.1% respectively.

2001 Channel 5 Revenues
Month Revenue (£) 2000 Revenue (£) 2001 % Change
January 15,266,666 14,630,000 -4.2
February 15,733,333 15,650,000 -0.5
March 17,150,000 17,600,000 2.6
April 18,300,000 17,900,000 -2.2
May 17,670,000 15,820,000 -10.5
June 18,200,000 15,820,000 -13.1
July 15,900,000 12,880,000 -19.0
August 16,470,000 13,330,000 -19.1
September 18,400,000 16,600,000 -9.8
October 20,270,000 19,270,000 -4.9
November 21,900,000 19,130,000 -12.6
December 16,330,000 13,570,000 -16.9
Total 211,589,999 192,200,000 -9.2
Source: Agency Estimates

Cable & Satellite revenues were the only ones to see a year on year increase in 2001, although the increase was modest at just 2.7%. The first half of the year was positive overall for revenue in this category, although the first quarter, when double figure increases were witnessed, was markedly better than the second. As the year wore on, the pressure of the industry’s revenue shrinkage began to show, and the fourth quarter saw nothing but year on year decreases.

2001 Satellite Revenues
Month Revenue 2000 (£) Revenue 2001 (£) % Change
January 30,100,000 33,830,000 12.4
February 30,050,000 34,850,000 16.0
March 30,980,000 36,800,000 18.8
April 38,370,000 41,900,000 9.2
May 37,150,000 39,200,000 5.5
June 31,450,000 34,400,000 9.4
July 27,080,000 26,200,000 -3.2
August 26,800,000 29,490,000 10.0
September 38,316,666 35,100,000 -8.4
October 42,800,000 38,900,000 -9.1
November 44,100,000 42,620,000 -3.4
December 38,480,000 33,520,000 -12.9
Total 415,676,666 426,810,000 2.7
Source: Agency Estimates

Costs Per Thousand

Costs per thousand fell across all categories and all channels on average during 2001, in a marked contrast to the previous year. Some of the most dramatic falls were at Channel 5, where ABC1 Adults fell by 16.6% and Housewives with Children, which dropped 21.3%.

Average ITV1 CPT
Category Average CPT 2000 (p) Average CPT 2001 (p) % Change
Adults 791.1 725.2 -8.3
ABC1 Adults 2,163.0 1,971.0 -8.9
Women 1,315.0 1,202.0 -8.6
Men 1,987.0 1,830.0 -7.9
Housewives 1,246.0 1,127.0 -9.6
Housewives/Ch 5,063.0 4,684.0 -7.5
Average C4 CPT
Category Average CPT 2000 (p) Average CPT 2001 (p) % Change
Adults 736.9 720.3 -2.3
ABC1 Adults 1,702.8 1,616.0 -5.1
Women 1,347.8 1,320.3 -2.0
Men 1,626.8 1,588.3 -2.4
Housewives 1,227.1 1,190.0 -3.0
Housewives/Ch 4,933.9 4,788.0 -3.0
Average C5 CPT
Category Average CPT 2000 (p) Average CPT 2001 (p) % Change
Adults 465.1 404.3 -13.1
ABC1 Adults 1,447.4 1,207.0 -16.6
Women 891.6 757.3 -15.1
Men 973.1 869.3 -10.7
Housewives 751.3 640.0 -14.8
Housewives/Ch 3,345.7 2,633.0 -21.3

Commercial Impacts

Commercial impacts on ITV1 were down across all audience categories. The largest fall was seen in Housewives with Children, down 6.5%

Average ITV Impacts
  Adults Men Women Housewives Housewives/Ch ABC1 Adults
Average 2000 25,273 10,062 15,210 16,044 3,951 9,258
Average 2001 23,869 9,479 14,391 15,342 3,694 8,801
% Ch YoY -5.6 -5.8 -5.4 -4.4 -6.5 -4.9

At Channel 4 most audience categories also saw year on year reductions, including a drop of 2.3% in the Women category. The exception was ABC1 Adults, which saw an increase of 0.6% compared to 2000.

Average C4 Impacts
  Adults Men Women Housewives Housewives/Ch ABC1 Adults
Average 2000 8,672 3,937 4,736 5,204 1,297 3,761
Average 2001 8,481 3,853 4,628 5,135 1,286 3,784
% Ch YoY -2.2 -2.1 -2.3 -1.3 -0.9 0.6

Commercial impacts increased in all audience categories at Channel 5 in 2001. The most significant increase was a 14.9% jump in the Housewives with Children category.

Average C5 Impacts
  Adults Men Women Housewives Housewives/Ch ABC1 Adults
Average 2000 4,598 2,199 2,399 2,844 642 1,481
Average 2001 4,809 2,238 2,571 3,043 738 1,617
% Ch YoY 4.6 1.8 7.2 7.0 14.9 9.1

Cable & Satellite once again saw the most significant set of commercial impact increases during 2001. These included an 18.5% increase in ABC1 Adults and a 16.9% increase in Women.

Average Cable/Satellite Impacts
  Adults Men Women Housewives Housewives/Ch ABC1 Adults
Average 2000 8,275 4,212 4,062 4,432 1,999 3,534
Average 2001 9,630 4,882 4,748 5,174 2,211 4,189
% Ch YoY 16.4 15.9 16.9 16.7 10.6 18.5

A summary of the key events in the Television media during 2001 is available by clicking End Of Year News Round-Up: Television

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