
AOL Chief To Take More Active Role

AOL Chief To Take More Active Role

AOL Time Warner chairman, Steve Case has vowed to become more involved in the running of the corporation as it looks to emerge from a difficult year.

There had been widespread speculation that the falling share price, allegations of accounting malpractice and the slowing growth of the America Online internet unit had made Case’s position untenable.

However, he appears to have ridden the storm and told executives at a conference in New York yesterday that he planned to take a more hands on role at the company. He also played down talk of differences with AOL vice chairman Ted Turner who has reportedly been critical of the management.

Case, who was instrumental in the merger of AOL and Time Warner two years ago, admitted that a revival of the online division was now a priority. He is currently liaising with Jonathan Miller, the new chief executive of America Online, to devise a strategy for attracting new subscribers and improving services.

“I’m a little more active now than I might have been in the first year of the merger because of the challenges the company faces,” said Case.

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