
AOP Director Steps Down

AOP Director Steps Down

AOP Logo Ruth Brownlee, director of the Association of Online Publishers, is leaving the group after just 10 months in the job (see Ruth Brownlee Appointed New Director Of AOP).

According to a report on MediaGuardian.co.uk, Brownlee has decided to leave the job to look after her two pre-school children, saying that the role of coordinating events and industry representation for the 160-member group demands more than its current part-time status.

A headhunter had been appointed to recruit her replacement, who is expected to be in place by Christmas, said MediaGuardian.co.uk.

Simon Waldman, AOP chairman, who is also director of digital strategy and development for Guardian Media Group, will stay in his role until April 2009 to oversee the new director.

Meanwhile, the AOP has appointed ITV’s Gary Cole as its new commercial working group chair with immediate effect.

The commercial working group consists of heads of commercial from AOP member companies, who meet to ensure that branded content sites are well placed to take advantage of growth in the digital market.

AOP’s working groups tackle collective issues effecting members business and set the agenda for broader AOP activities such as research and events.

AOP: www.ukaop.org.uk

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