
ASA Extends Powers Under New Regulatory Regime

ASA Extends Powers Under New Regulatory Regime

The Advertising Standards Authority today takes over responsibility for handling complaints about television and radio commercials in one of the biggest shake-ups of advertising regulation in recent years.

Media super-regulator Ofcom has contracted out the rules governing broadcast advertising to the ASA, in a move that will see the watchdog widen its existing remit from press and outdoor to cover consumer advertising complaints across all media.

The ASA is reportedly bracing itself for a dramatic increase in the amount of complaints relating the advertisements thought to be misleading or offensive because the new system makes it much easier for consumers to submit such objections.

Commenting on the expected rise, director general of the ASA, Christopher Graham, said: “More than 5,000 people have approached the ASA already this year wanting to object to a television or radio commercial. Up until now we’ve had to turn them away.”

The new one-stop-shop regulator expects to receive as many as 24,000 complaints in its first year of handling all media. It has already recruited extra staff, relocated to bigger offices and appointed four new members to its board to cope with the increase in demand.

The new board members include a consultant haematologist, a secondary school head-teacher and a fundraising manager. The fourth is BARB chairman, Nigel Walmsley, who joins the broadcast council with a wealth of experience, having been chief executive of Cartlon Television, managing director of Capital Radio and marketing director at the Post Office.

Ofcom chief executive, Stephen Carter, is confident the new regulatory framework will prove effective. He said: “Good regulation meets the needs of both consumers and industry without imposing undue burdens on either. The co-regulation of broadcast advertising more than meets that test. We welcome the transfer of responsibility for this area to the ASA.”

The ASA recently unveiled a new brand identity to broadcasters, advertisers and agencies at a special business seminar scheduled to introduce the new regulatory structure. The new logo (pictured) retains the ASA’s red tick concept and has been designed to work in an animated format onscreen, as well as in print (see ASA Revamps Brand Identity Ahead Of New Powers).

ASA: 020 7580 5555 www.asa.org.uk

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