
asi Conference 2008: cross-platform consumption – NBC’s Olympic example

asi Conference 2008: cross-platform consumption – NBC’s Olympic example

Someone Watching TV NBC’s president of research, Alan Wurtzel, outlined a vision of the future where content is viewed on TV, online and on mobile, often simultaneously.

NBC’s Olympics coverage reached over 215 million US adults, with over 50 million unique visits to nbc.com and 6.5 million mobile visits.

Almost 1 in 5 US citizens, 18% consumed via at least two platforms, however, multi-platform consumers were much more likely to spend time watching TV despite this, with nearly 7 hours compared to 3.5 for those watching TV only.

At the Torino Olympics in 2006, online was the equivalent of 7% of the total TV audience, this grew to 24% for Beijing, demonstrating how multi-platform consumption habits have moved on in just two years.

This was also reflected in advertising effectiveness – advertisers across platforms enjoyed a recall score of 46% compared to 35% for TV only campaigns, with uplifts also seen in attitudes and affinity, especially for those brands adopting an Olympic theme to their activity.

asi: www.asi.eu.com/

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